KID Or Kaito?

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Shinichi's POV

He doesn't know why but he decided to go for a morning walk in the park. Well, you could call it a walk, but he was just going to go and read under some tree. He hasn't been able to be alone in a while, he would either be with Ran and Sonoko or with the professor. It was nice to sit outdoors and be taken into another universe by just reading a book. He was so into his reading he didn't notice that someone had walked up to him.

"Hey, what are you reading?"

That voice... Shinichi looked up and was met with a similar face to his.

"Hi... KID."

There was a chuckle "Soo, how are you enjoying life now that your no longer a rascal running around?"

"I would prefer to be Conan again.."

"Why? I thought you hated being a kid again" 

"I did at first but that was before everyone slowly started forgetting me."

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said, nobody remembers Kudo Shinichi anymore, they just remember Conan."

"I remember Shinichi, I remember the thrill I had when he first showed up at the clocktower, I remember the little boy I met when I was younger"

What was he going on about?

"He would always tell me how much he wanted to be a detective when he was older, to be known as someone who can help others and someone you can rely on. Even though he was a month older than me, he was smart for his age and was cheerful. But after an accident, we stopped seeing each other. And I have a feeling he has slowly forgotten me over time"

"Who could ever forget you? You're like a nightmare."

"Funny thing you say that Meitantei-san, do you want to know who forgot me?"


"Does the name 'Shin-chan' ring a bell?"

"yes, that's what my mother calls me, so what of it?"

"Who was the one who started calling it you though? I know it wasn't your mom."

Only my mom calls me shin-chan who on earth could he be talk-    Wait, spiky hair, Violet eyes, a love for magic.


A gentle smile was seen on his face. How could he forget him? He was his first friend, he met him before he even met Ran! They even look the same and he could put the dots together to find a conclusion.

"I'm sorry Kaito"

"Don't be, I just want you to remember there are people who still know you Shin-chan, they might seem a bit distant at first but that is natural. You have been gone for ages and suddenly your back again. Give them some time and they will come around."

"Thank you, but you aren't of the case," I said with a smirk

"What do you mean?"

"You're a phantom thief Kaito, I want to know what made you start stealing and what you're looking for. And before you say anything, no I'm not going to put you behind bars. Tell me why because I want to help you."

"Alright, I'll tell you later, I would love to tell you now but I can't really tell you about my story in public."

Maybe Shinichi wasn't as lonely as he thought he was


Before you say anything, I'm not the best at writing things without making a scratch version of something beforehand. So if this is kinda awkward you know why! If you have any ideas on how I could improve my writing and what I could add would be really appreciated!! 

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