Creepers-the most hated mobs in minecraft

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Stupid pigs. If it weren't for them, Notch, the creator of Minecraft, would've never make a mistake and accidentally create the Creeper.
I was outside chopping some Birch trees and Oak trees when I decided to take a break and eat an apple I got from one of the Oak leaves when I heard a hissing noise. Now, whenever you hear a hissing noise, it's not good because hissing usually means Creepers. So while my brain was screaming RED ALERT! RED ALERT! THERE'S A CREEPER NEARBY! RUUUUUN!
the creeper was sounding like this: hissss... hisssss... hissSSSSS... HISSSSSSS...HISSSSSS... BOOOM! ssssss...
Now I was at half a heart of health and I slowly dragging myself back inside to get more food to regen. 5 minutes later, I was at full health again and I was ready to continue chopping wood but there were Creepers everywhere now and I decided maybe tomorrow I could continue. Plus, I already had two and a half stacks of Birch and one and three-quarters stacks of Oak. Tomorrow, I think I'm going to go into the forest I like to call The Forested Maze.

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