Use What You Have

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Okay, so yesterday wasn't all that bad. I used the lapis to dye a sheep and I sheared it. I got 3 wool from it so I made a bed. And if you don't know how to craft a bed, the image is above. Just tap on it. I'm sure you'll see it.
I made a 4x4 farm using the seeds. Do you know how tedious this process is? You have to plant the seeds then harvest the wheat. With the wheat, you get 2 more sets of seeds. Plant those, harvest ,plant, harvest,plant, harvest... blah blah blah. Alex said that she was coming over with her dog, Max, and her cat, Kitt. She never said when though. I guess I'll just have to wait.
I decided to go out that night. I don't know why. I just felt like it. Then I heard very familiar noises:  uuuuuh....rattle, rattle....hissssss....shreeeeeiiiikk...gggGRRRrrowl!!!
I whipped out my enchanted diamond axe and started slaying one after the next. Then a zombie got me from behind. I was at half a heart. This zombie was as powerful as a Creeper. Then a skeleton shot me.
I shot out of my bed and stared at the window on the door. Sigh, I thought, tomorrow I really have to go out.

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