Dawson Siblings (Chicago Fire and Chicago PD)

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*If Antonio was in the hospital and Gabby went to see him while on shift, with Intelligence there. For this chapter police and fire radios are the same frequents.  

Gabby's POV

When I found out that Antonio was shot I made sure I went to see him even if I was on shift or not. So I told Shay to get her stuff. When we got to the hospital I asked what room he was in. When I got in the room I saw all of  Intelligence in the room. Antonio looked up and saw me and asked what I was doing there still on shift. I said, "Did you really think I wouldn't come see you." 

He, of course, answered back with  "I knew you would come see but not well you were still on shift."

Being me I answered back with "I am in charge of the ambo. Shay and I go places all the time just to get out of the firehouse when we don't want to deal with the boys." Before he could answer back to me I got a call. 

Ambo 61, Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, and Battalion 21. Factory Fire corner of Wabush and Jungle Junction. (Don't judge the street names.)

I answered right away with "Ambo 61 responding to the factory fire."   Then you heard Casey, Severide, and Chief saying they are responding. I say, love you to Antonio and bolt out the door to the ambo. When we get to the scene I say on the radio that we are on the scene. 

Antonio's POV

After me, Gabby having are little disagreement the radio goes of and next thing you know she is saying love you and bolting out the door. We hear her call on the radio that they are on scene with the rest of 51. Gabby goes on and requests an EMS plan 2. And Chief going on requesting more companies. We hear Casey and Severide going on the radio saying what area they are taking. Gabs goes on the radio and says what ambo is going where, "Ambo 67,58, and 99 will stay here and help us stabilize and tag the victims and all the other ambo's will transport. We have more than at least 50 people so take more serious patients first then come back and take the less serious patients to the hospital." 

Jay asked the question why she is in charge of the ambo's. My simple answer was, "She is the PIC." They all looked at me like I am crazy."Which means paramedic in charge. Every ambulance company has a PIC." Then I stopped getting that look like I was crazy. 


The call was starting to end when over the radio you heard. The PASS alarm going off, that is never good. We heard Casey go over the radio saying that Severide is typed and the need help to get him out. Then Gabby goes over the radio to the remaining ambo's that they are in charge and they will take Severide in. Casey then radio's to her saying to bring a neck collar and backboard to the door. She say's got it. They then say that they are coming out and to be ready with the gurney. 

Gabby's POV

We get Severide in the ambo and Casey is riding in the back with me.  I try my best to stabilize him and then we get to the hospital and get him out, then they take our gurney. I decide to go see my brother and everybody is still there even though the call was like 3 hours. We get talking and I said I had to go get our gurney and see how Severide is. I go find Shay and she is filling out paperwork. She finishes the paperwork and we prepare our gurney for the next run once it comes in. We put it in the ambo, move the ambo and then the boys all come in.THey wonder how Kelly was doing and we said we didn't know. We all went to the waiting room and waited for news. Final the doctor come out and said that Both his legs are broken but other than that he was extremely lucky. After I find the news I hang out with Antonio and all them sometimes so of the boys pop into the room to hang out for a bit. I left to go back to the firehouse with Shay to go to bed because we both had an extremely long shift still had 12 hours to go.

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