Chicago Fire and Chicago PD (part 1)

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If Intelligence were at the station when ambo gets a call that doesn't end so well.

Gabby POV

It was the start of shift and I was having breakfast cause I woke up late and didn't have time to eat. So I was sitting at the long table talking to Otis and all of them while eating and I was looking down when I heard Mouch say hey guys. So I looked up and saw my brother with his unit there. I got up to hug him when I heard the PA system go of with my tone playing. As soon as that went off I said: "They're playing my song." but as soon as I heard the address I said to Brett "Are favorite caller."

Fire House POV

We saw Intelligence walk in and we say hey then Gabby looked up then right on queue they got a call for one their patient who calls all the time. They go running out. We got talking then all of a sudden we heard their mic go off so they put it on speaker. Gabby said, "You need to put the gun down so we can help." Then he started yelling at them because they were moving forward. Then Gabby came back on saying, "We stop so can you just put the gun down." Then all of a sudden we heard.


Then Brett came on yelling "My partner has been shot. I repeat my partner has been shot."

Cheif then came out yelling at us to load up and with that Intelligence and 51 went to the scene that they were at. When we got there Brett was getting a c-coller on Gabby. Brett then says  "We need to go now.  I need someone to drive the ambo while I am in the back with Dawson." 


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