Levi x Mary

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Mary was walking with her two friends, Ashley and Isabella. They were just heading back from the mess hall, and going to call it a night.
On their way back to their rooms, they heard a door open, and eager running. They all turned to see, Hanji. "Maaaarrryyy," Hanji sang.
"Well, it's time for us to flee," Isabella said.
"See you tomorrow," Ashley replied.
After that, the two girls walked off, leaving Hanji and Mary alone.
"So what is it," Mary asked.
"Well, I think captain 'Clean Freak' is in love~ with~ you~!"
Mary rolled her eye's, not believing that could ever happen.
"Yeah, right."
"It's true. He blushes every time I mention your name. He also stutters," Hanji confused.
"Oh, alright. Well, i'm going to bed," Mary said walking off.
Hanji hung her head, and walked back to her room.
As Mary was walking, she heard a door open. "Cadet, Skaggs," The voice of the captain said. She instantly turned around, and saluted. Levi motioned for her to follow him. She did as instructed. They both were going into Levi's office/bedroom.
"So did you want something, corporal," Mary asked. Levi locked the door, and this made Mary feel uncomfortable.
"Yes, actually," he replied. He began to walk closer to Mary, and this caused her to back up.
He grabbed her jacket, and kissed her roughly.
He pulled away, and smirked at what he saw. A very embarrassed, Mary. Her checks were shaded with a blush, and she couldn't move.
"I can't stop myself when you look like that, brat," Levi said before he pushed her onto a nearby chair.
"C-Corporal," Mary said falling into the chair.
Levi just laughed darkly. "Call me......Levi," he whispered in her ear.
Levi didn't waist no time geting undressed. He let Mary watch as he left himself in his boxers. "Like what you see."
Mary didn't answer. Levi then planted another rough kiss on her lips, as he began to take her clothing off. Painfully slow. Mary began to get inpatient.
Levi could tell, and took off her, pink bra and panties, along with his boxers.
He looked at her, and she gave him the okay to enter. He did, and Mary gripped the arms of the chair.
Levi didn't stop, for Mary didn't want to wait. The room began to smell of sweet, and flowers. A fresh sent that Levi would us in his cleaning.
"Le-Levi....Hugh," Mary gasped.
Levi grunted and kissed her jaw line. Leaving love bites on her neck as well.
He began to go at a inhuman paise.
Both reaching their climaxes, and Levi Cumming inside of her. Levi looked into Mary's eyes. "I....I love you, and you belong to me," Levi said, somewhat in a loving manner.
Mary shook her head, and said, "I...I love....you, too."
Levi smiled, and with one more thrust, Mary and Levi came in unison.
Both panting rapidly. They looked at one another, and smiled. (Yes Levi smiled)
"We should clean up," Mary said
"In the morning, but right know we rest," Levi responded.
They kissed once more. before falling asleep in Levi's chair. They had the best night of their lives, and Mary couldn't be happier.

Extra end

Hanji waited outside the door of Levi's office. "Yes, and if i'm lucky, we will have baby clean freaks!"

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