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So I know that I haven't been active for a while and I usually give a half assed reason as to why I haven't been here. Well there's a few serious reasons.

1. I have this terrible thing called anxiety in which most everyone has but it only shows only when they're nervous or under a lot of pressure.

Well mine is worse. It makes me physically sick on the day to day bases. I often have lucid dreams and used to think that I was schizophrenic when really most people with really bad anxiety think that.

I often can't sleep for more than a couple of hours because of it so my sleeping schedule is often fucked.

I can't think straight at times and the things that I say are usually irrelevant and incoherent to the point where I get really frustrated and become annoyed with everyone and everything.

I haven't been able to update because of writers block and because I can't focus enough to be able to. Actually writing this right now is making me feel antsy and like I'm going to freak out haha.

Anyways, I'll try my hardest to get back to producing chapters. I have a couple of drafts on YJSTTP and The Asocial Ones. Also a new story that I've been working on in my spare time to get back into the groove of writing but I won't post it yet.

Anyways I thank you all for supporting me and being here for me. I enjoy everyone of you and our conversations. I love all of you <3 And sorry for this shitty AN, I just needed to get this out really

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