Chapter 2

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The first thing in her thoughts when conciousness came back was, Is that lavender I smell?

Oh, heavens! Not lavender!

Evelyn Summers is roses and peach!

Who put lavenders in here?

She moved her head to the side, scowling at the sight of a small glass jar with purple liquid and a few stalks of lavender. The walls of whatever room she was in were in bright rays of orange, completely contrasting the lavenders and the dull-coloured wooden-framed pictures. Specks of white splattered, like starry decor near shelves of books and scented candles. Most of them were purple in colour. The room was dark and cool, the kind of room you'd like when feeling sleepy.

Her fingers fiddled, feeling a soft surface. She moved her feet, feeling a slight burn. Her head was on something comfortable, and white.

She could tell she was on a bed.

Last thing she remembered, she pissed off two men and slipped on bat feces in a cave. Last time she checked, there was surely no beds in the cave. Unless they were some kind of magical creature.

Beside her, there were more beds, beanbags and couches. And not to forget a height chart with doodles on them. Wherever she was, it must be a place for having a rest of some sorts.

"What kind of place is this?"

"She's awake."

From the door came a boy, around Evelyn's age, with.... purple hair. What is it with purple lavenders here? She normally did not care much about the clothing of strangers, but he looked so bold, and odd, that she couldn't possibly ignore it. He wore a chequered vest on a teal shirt- perfectly clean and ironed-and glasses. Glittery, golden ones.

Though she liked the choice of glitter, her eyes darted all over him.

Who is he?

He could be a leader of the two men, or their friend. Whomever he was, she didn't know him and he could've done possibly anything to her. Evelyn slept in random houses regularly back in Frostville, mostly because she knew everyone, and no one would be brave enough to hurt a destinied Chosen One (She could've hit them all with her shoe). But this was not Frostville.

He looked like a Northener citizen, with muscular build and tanned skin. People from Frostville, in Southland, were most of the time (there were always exceptions, of course) different, tall, thin and pale.

I can't be that far from home, now, can I?

He wore a grin on his face. "I expected a 'Where am I?', or a 'What is this place?'. But I guess that'd do."

"Since you asked, where am I? And who are you? I've never met someone with such... style before."

"It's cool, huh? These glasses..." Though it could be merely a piece of imagination, it appeared that his orange eyes turned yellow. He took off the glittery things. "Who said you can't look good with bad eyesight?"

"Are we in a cave?"

"I'd die than go living in a cave, dear. You're in a building. Not a cave, not a jungle, not outer space, and not a volcano. Building."

She remembered being knocked in the head. She may have woken up for a bit- or it could be just a dream- and felt thorns cutting her skin. Then she was there. No men, no cave, no feces, and no thorns, greeted by lavender and a colorful-looking boy.

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