Chapter One

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Avery's P.O.V

"Bryan, where are we going?" I asked for about the twentieth time. My mate had dragged me out of my hammock this afternoon and wouldn't tell me where we were going. All he had said was.

"You'll see," and "You're going to like it." Then he dragged me out to his truck. I had asked why were we driving when we could run as wolves. I mean come on we're werewolves after all! He had said it would be better if we drove. I decided not to argue. I trusted Bryan. It was hard not to since he was my mate and had saved my life more than once.

I shuddered thinking about it. We had fought Caine, the first vampire, and killed him. But that was back when I was human. I'm stronger now.

"Are we there yet," I whined to Bryan. He smiled.

"Not yet," he said patiently. We drove for about ten more minutes. I was bouncing in my seat. I was so excited. I wanted to know where we were going so much. Bryan looked over at me and laughed. "We're almost there," he said, taking my hand. After another agonizing five minutes he parked the truck in front of the forest and got out. He walked around to my side of the truck, opened the door and helped me out. I smiled. He was so sweet.

Taking my hand he led me through the woods. I was getting even more excited. After about ten minutes of walking we arrived at a beautiful clearing. There was a waterfall that flowed into a river. There were flowers everywhere. There was a brown canoe propped against a tree. Some of the trees had fruit on them. There was so many colors. It was so beautiful. It was mesmerizing.

"Do you like it?" he asked coming to stand behind me. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love it," I whispered and pressing my lips to his. He kissed me back willingly. We pulled away for air after a minute or two. We smiled at each other and he took my hand and led me to a picnic basket that sat in the middle on the clearing. He opened the picnic basket and pulled out a red checkered blanket and spread it out on the ground. 

He took my hand and gently pulled me down onto the blanket. He reached into the basket and pulled out bologna and cheese sandwiches and bottles of lemonade. He handed me a sandwich and a bottle of lemonade.

"So we're having a picnic?" I asked. "That's what you wouldn't tell me?"

"Yes, we're having a picnic. And no that's not the surprise," he said slyly taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Come on!" I groaned. He laughed. I took a sip of lemonade. "Are you sure you can't tell me?" I begged.

"Nope, but good try," he said. I took a bite of my sandwich. It was delicious. After about ten minutes we were done eating. I was completely stuffed.

"I'm full," I said. He reached into the picnic basket and pulled out two pieces of chocolate cake. It looked really good. He saw me staring.

"Still full?" he asked.

"Of course not," I replied. He laughed and handed me a piece of cake and a fork. I cut off a piece with my fork and ate it. It was amazing. We both finished our pieces in five minutes. Bryan started cleaning up and I reached over to help him. When everything was back in the picnic basket I crawled over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me onto his lap. "This was the best picnic ever."

"I'm glad you liked it," he said stroking my hair. We sat like that for about ten minutes. "Come on. Let's go on a boat ride," he whispered in my ear.

"Okay," I said getting off his lap and standing up. He stood up and took my hand and led me to the canoe. He lifted me into it, causing me to smile, and pushed it into the water. He jumped in and began rowing. I was facing backward. It was so much fun! "Where did you get the canoe?" I asked him.

"I'll never tell," he said slyly. I reached over and slapped his arm causing him to jerk the boat hard to the right. He glared at me in mock anger. "If you plan on staying in the boat I wouldn't slap me," he warned. I rolled my eyes. He rowed us down the river for a while. It was a beautiful ride. The sun was shining, making everything even more beautiful. We saw pretty trees, flowers, birds, and butterflies. I caught a pretty green butterfly on my finger. Bryan smiled at me while I held it. Unfortunately it flew away. The birds were singing a beautiful song.

Suddenly Bryan stopped the canoe.

"What wrong?" I asked. He didn't show any signs of being tired.

"Avery turn around," he said his voice and face completely expressionless. I turned around and I saw a huge white banner that huge from two tall trees. And on the banner were the words.

Will you marry me Avery?

I turned to look at him. He was holding a ring box with the most beautiful ring ever inside it. It was in the shape of a heart. The gem was a blood red sapphire that was set in gold. I loved it.

"Avery, from the moment I first laid eyes on you I knew I was in love. Not because we're mate, but because you're you. We've been through so much together and our love has only gotten stronger. I feel completely empty when you're not by my side. I would rather die than be apart from you. I will never leave you. I love you my smart, beautiful mate. Will you marry me?" Tear immediately sprang to my eyes. That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. He was so sweet and I loved him so much.

"Yes, I will," I whispered. He took the ring and held it so I could see under the gem on the band. There were words on it. They said. I love you. I smiled so big I thought my face would break. He took my left hand in his and placed the ring on my ring finger. Then he kissed the ring on my finger. He looked up and smiled at me. I smiled at him through my tears. He reached up and wiped away the few that had escaped down my checks. My heart melted. I was luckiest girl on Earth.

~Hey guys! Here's the first chapter! I hope it's good and that you liked it. Remember to vote, fan, and comment!~

The Fight of Their Lives (Sequel to The Human Mate) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now