Chapter 2: My little Sunshine....

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Frisk pov
After I heard Miss Grey's story about her daughter. I went to find Miss Hutt but Miss Grey said to just call her Jess. After I did I finally found her....

Jessica pov
Frisk sat by me and asked why I had disappered.

"I'm so sorry Frisk but I've come to a decision you see....Miss Grey wanted me to sign the paper too I'll make sure there is peace I think it's what my daughter would want..."

"Daughter ?"

" Jackie...."


"It was 5 years ago ...."

In the past

I was talking to my daughters about there dance recital.

" Mom ? Do promise you will come this time ?"

" Of course my little Sunshine...But I was running late to the dance studio. By the time I got there the dance teacher said they weren't there.

" What do you mean she aren't here ?!"

" Oh ....My little Sunshine ......"

Out of past.
After saying that Frisk started to tear up. I noticed this and snapped out of it.

"I'm sorry a child Shouldn't have heard that story....."

Then Donald Trump questioned Asgore how he and the Monsters escaped the Underground . He said that he had killed Almost 7 children . And he said the last child he saw

" It was 5 years ago I remember her having a left brown ete and a right red eye...a red bang and black hair in a red tutu"

Then chaos started miss Grey was holding me back...

" You killed her ! "

I was outside side the building holding a picture of my and my little Sunshine.
Them a figure came to me...


"Who are you ?"

" That doesn't matter .... want me to get back at what they did to your daughter ?"

I couldn't believe I did it but...

I made a deal with the figure.....

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