3: Fire at Will

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(A/N: I'm back on Wattpad! Sorry for the lag. New installments of Scourge incoming! Have a wonderful day!)


"G-Get away, freak!" You whimper as Jamison grips your wrist tighter. You struggle and attempt to scream, he quickly covers your mouth with his filthy hand.

"Fuckin' 'ell shut up," he grunts and grinds himself against you. "Tha' less noise ye' make the better this feels."

With his free hand, he grabs a fistful of your hair. Small laughs and breaths escape his lips as his hardened shaft rubs against your thigh. You close your eyes and bite your lip, hoping this was all a dream and that you weren't being humiliated publicly.

Before it could continue any further, you hear the click of a gun, stopping all movement from Jamison.

"I am going to give you to the count of three to scurry away to your shithole of a dorm before I blow away the rest of your scatterbrains," a low, raspy voice bites. You open your eyes and watch Jamison fumble around with his belt, sloppily putting it back on and swiftly shamble away. As he leaves, he reveals your saviour. A tall man dressed in black and a skull mask stands still. Two thick, black guns rest in his hands.

"Thank you for this-"

"Don't let some moron have his way with you, and don't tell anyone what you experienced here," he growls, interrupting your gratituity. Just like that, he disappears.

'Nevermind that, why did Jamison attack me? Is he that desperate for a quickie that he's willing to lose his place at Overwatch? Screw him, I'm going to get revenge for this. He'll be sorry for degrading me...' You think to yourself as you pace to Torbjörn's garage. An airhorn blares as you hear him bellow your name angrily. 'And for making me late.'


You exit Torbjörn's garage with an exasperated sigh. 'That was a grueling and most tiresome shift I've ever had the pleasure of taking up in my entire life.  Mr. Lindholm is not merciful in the slightest for tardiness. I still can't believe he made me repair all 306 of his broken sentries in a matter of 5 hours.' You exhale in defeat, scribbling the day's happenings in a beat-up journal of yours. You taught yourself to always keep tabs on daily tasks and events no matter how cruel and embarrassing. You continue to write as you mindlessly wander in the general direction of your dorm. As you turn the knob of your door, you feel a stout presence behind you. With a large breath, you turn around and give a piece of your mind.

"How dare you come back and find me after doing what you did earlier! You creep! How can you live with yourself at night, preying on women who obviously don't want to fuck you!" You huff and ball your fists, then realizing you were shouting at someone you didn't recognize.

"N-Nani?" a dragon tattoo bearing Japanese man murmurs in astonishment. You quickly blush bright red and apologize numerous times.

"It is okay, comrade. I simply was startled by your, uh, bewildering accusation," he grimaces awkwardly and begins to walk away.

"I am truly sorry, sir. Before you go, what's your name? I want to know who I accidently cursed at."

He stops walking and looks back at you, "Hanzo, Hanzo Shimada. And you are the girl Genji has been speaking about, aren't you?"

"I suppose I am"

"Words travel fast, but lies travel even faster. Be wary of those you trust, even amongst the heroes of the world," with that, he descends the hallway.


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