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As Oikawa started warming up, the squeals of his fangirls continued. Aika watched the team distribute bibs. She had learnt that the other boys were called Kunimi, Hanamaki, Matsukawa and Watari.

"Me, Kindaichi and Watari will be a team," Iwaizumi announced, "And Trashykawa, Matsukawa and Kunimi would be a team,"

"What about me?" Hanamaki exclaimed.

"You can do my homework!" Oikawa exclaimed.

"You will rotate with everybody on the court, Hanamaki," Iwaizumi said.

Aika watched the players decide who was going to serve first.

"Yes!" Oikawa exclaimed ad his team won the coin toss, "We'll serve first!"

As Oikawa prepared to serve, his team called out from the sides different meals.

"You'll have to buy us food if you miss this serve!" Hanamaki exclaimed.

"You're not even on my team!" Oikawa exclaimed.

"I want sushi!" Watari exclaimed.

"Do you want me to get this serve or not?" Oikawa exclaimed.

As Aika watched fron the sidekines, she could not help but smile. So, was this how it was to be part of a team?

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