Chapter 3

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Cain strolled over to the window in the large study room, crossing his arms as he stopped, he looked down below to the town. The train stopped on the edge of town, the stage resting right next to it. He watched as a few workers set up the dividers behind the stage- the place where the new slaves would be held until it was their turned to be auctioned off. Most came out, scrawny and dirty, some scared. But they always had that same look in their eye, freedom. It was so close yet so far, like when provoking a small child with toy just high enough that they can reach up to touch it, but just far enough up that they couldn't.

His right hand, closest friend, and cousin; Klaus strolled up next to him.

"I've been told, or so the Traders are claiming that they have a Blessed human in this group."

At the word 'blessed' one of Cain's eyebrows rose. Blessed humans were rare, and hard to come by. Someone would be paying a hefty golden price for the human. Yet at the same time, Cain felt pity for the Blessed. Despite the name, it was more of a curse. Blessed humans had wondrous powers, but great power can quickly corrupt even the purest man.

"I think I may just take the trip down there to see this Blessed human for myself."

"And pray tell dear cousin, what happens when they have no Blessed human? It could easily be a lie as it could be the truth."

Klaus clasped a hand on Cain's shoulder, shaking him.

"You must learn relax dear cousin. Whether they give the truth or a lie, the rumor will give the Trade some excitement. Look now, the train has barely stopped, the stage is barely built, but already people are squishing in to see the Trade."

Cain pulled his shoulder from his cousin's hand, turning as he did.

"Despicable, the whole lots of them all are!"

Taking a seat next to the empty fire place, Cain picked up a few papers from the table, his eyes scanning over them.

"Oh, you don't mean that! Here, open the windows, the fresh air will do you good. The winter was hard on you!"

Cain ignored Klaus, keeping his eyes down. The truth was the winter had not been hard on him- but the girl had. The girl who spelt of Jasmine and peppermint, the one he had spotted while at the shopping market during his time in Tobus. He had stormed from the High Lord's meeting, having gotten into a small squall with the High Lord. Taking his car, he drove, stopping randomly at the market.

After spotting the girl, he had returned and things with the High Lord were settled. They all left on good terms, with papers signs and chest puffed out like real-men.

Cain had spent the rest of that day, and the next, in search of the girl. When she never showed up, he was forced to return back towards his own home land. Since then, the girl had haunted his dreams, sleeping and awake. It seemed no matter where he turned or what he thought- she was there to haunt him.

"So, are these papers confirming that the land in Drale is ours?"

Cain shuffled through the papers once more, trying to push the thoughts of the girl from his thoughts.

"Yes, the secret delivery team brought them this morning. Next the small cabin on the land will be fixed up and used as our headquarters there."

"Good, Muis needs to learn his threats won't go unanswered. His head's too big for his title."

"He is stupid-"


Cain held up a hand, and Klaus stopped speaking almost at once. Despite their blood ties, and long standing friendship, Cain was still King. Klaus was to respect that.

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