Horror Time

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William told everyone if they are feeling hungry, they will eat lots of healthy foods from prison and then I also make a fun Horror device on prisoners to look like Pirates just for fun. They ate all the healthy diet food and then they play outside and try not to hurt anyone and then as well as playing into the escaping playground. 

When I yelled Horror time, everyone goes right into the dress up room and then they sit back and relax to put up the make up on their face. I put their make up to look like pirates in horror way and then Sarah dresses them up as Pirates and then they bring up the Top Secret to keep building together as teams. After 1 hour and 15 minutes, I yelled home time and they went back into the room.

They also bring up some board games, books and some artwork for the prisoners to do while they are bored. They have lots of fun activities and then they quite feeling happy, telling horror jokes to make someone else laugh because they could share their thoughts.

Then I bring up the bath pool and then all the prisoners wear bathing suit to go swimming in the morgue and the slaughter house, washed off the blood and then they play with lots of bubbles and have a beach ball. They also have kids playing with the beach outside and then they also play tag running around the area and then running around the prison cell. They all loved the Prison so much that I wish the Prison would turned it into an apartment for bad people to able to enjoy.

They have also make a playtime to look horror and then they dressed up as halloween costumes and as well as using the pretending torture devices such as the rack by a prisoner lying down on the floor with his hands and legs go separated and the other one pretends to pull them by laughing. Sleep with the eyes never sleep by putting eye makeup on the eyelids to look like awake and then put into the bed for 1 hour.

At 6:00 the Police brought up a new prisoner and about to get fire torture but then one Police is begin to the test first and then he tells her about the secret about the thief of the Las Vegas Casino and then puts a fire onto the floor and then he says "Why did you go to the casino and robbed it?" and she says "I don't know" and then he being up a form of the robbery and then she got sent straight to the interrogation room with a rat torture and then he puts a neon red lava tattoo ink with a blacklight and then he went moonwalking with a neon red slime and then put it into the can.

She found a rat and then waited for hours but eventually the rat was removed out of the bucket and put some makeup on it to look like she is tortured and then the Police heard her scream and she yelled "I don't have any money and I wanted to be rich and wanted everything in my way". The Police sneaked into the interrogation room and then I put a trap to trip over the Polices and then hide behind the man's shirt. She then looked dead and then the police got tripped over the stairs and then became injured and I called the ambulance by the Pager whispery and sounded like a 10 year old. She was yet still alive and then ambulance has the page so she can have a room for fun with the other prisoners.

I told her what I am planning to do since I also remember accidentally that my parents have died in that same area. I told her a story of my life and I shared with her and then she likes the idea, her name is Vicky Percy and then she was at least 18 years old and did not attend college and never have a job experience. Vicky was obsessed with money all the time and she was also suffering with many hits, spanks on her bare butt and time out into the dark locked room and then she cried for help. She was scared of her parents and she decided to have a tantrum whenever she got disciplined and she was never stopping and then she has Anger Management Disorder and Anxiety and she was thinking about this and about to get mental and then I put her a cloth gag and then I told her to breath and then Vicky has yet the first time to breathe and I told her that she would learn more with the right thing and not always with Money. 

She then smiled and knowing about my parent's death and the Killer leader just went to Desert Industry. She draws the Killer of my parents what it looks like and I didn't realized that he ran off towards. Vicky knows that 2 days ago, She dropped the money and then looked at the Torturers escaping the plan at 10:00 pm and then bringing African slaves into the Desert Dungeon as their Project to conquer Las Vegas 95% of the Nevada State and other States of America.

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