2005 is in Peace

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I went to the pet store with Marco to give back the Eel with his rubber yellow gloves and then puts him back into the tank and then he found a new Mouse named Dayly which is a black and white mouse being cut and ran up to his ear tickling him.

Gordon gave back all our gadgets to Mardy and then creates a fireworks in the night to celebrate the West USAppreciation Day. Everyone has yet celebrated their lives eating a lot of bull's stake and Lamb's stake.

Louisa and Alexandria began to create a website channel on YouTube called LousiAlex and then write their website called SurvivalescapeTCE.com and then share news and Fashions from the mid-2000s culture era. They mentioned to Me and Marco that 2005 is the 5th year of the Decade and not from the other universe, just in this universe.

Sarah has build a collections of DVD and Tapes with James and William to identify the genre. Me, Marco and Sarah has yet began to watch our videos of ourselves during the survival days.

The Prison was now like the Modern Days without torture methods, forcing and slavery which respect the criminals to be playing fun while every criminals won't be playing like they are in a naughty room. Vicky has visited the prison and saw a difference, the Police has yet shamed her hands while she was scared but she forgets the past and carry on to the beginning of the year. She then stretched her arms behind her back and then see the view with her mum and Dad and her siblings to see the Desert by putting danger zone.

Mardy has begun to erase all the past from 20 years ago up until now by using his machine and then he blows out of the candle
and then he switch off the screen but before that he says to me "I will miss you very soon because we won't do the horror action again and enjoy your future friend".

I cried my missing him so much that I couldn't forgive him and Vicky. She came to my house with the flower that I could even took it back to her just in case of memories but then she changed her mind that she would plant it in the same house next door as she was moving next to my house on top of it creating an escalator in our house. She planted the flower in the pit grows for a wishing luck, breathes and pray to the god that everyone will forget about the past. She also doesn't know about the thefts stealing and decided to burn the past things we have done and then forget it and then she uses the flower to burn it and then the fireworks has yet almost began to blow up.

I put the Books from my bag to the bookshelf which is way big just like the size of the wall and I have kinda like it and then I read the book of my family and then I remember the past back when I was young and then breathe to remember them and then I talk to the god about my parents by appreciating the help with the United States and then my parents had gave me a big hug.

The heaven has yet given me some dreams of being the leader so I am now become one which I can support them with nature's and recycled stuffs and then they use the plastics into a piece of art and then I got tons of money with plastic fashions by Alexandria and Louisa for help.

Sparkle has yet watched some TV and then she was left into the underground prison with dinner that is very unusual for her since she doesn't like those kind of foods for men and then she got used to it and Vicky became her best friend and Vicky has yet become a job as a Police by going to the training school which she has her criminal records removed and then she worked out with her training school in the morning and then she came back to my house.

She told me a big surprise of me having a Police friend which makes me feeling happy and excited by taking pictures onto selfies but then the Sandra was then blur. I then just use the camera person instead so I told Gordon to take me and Vicky's selfies for a picture and then it looked better and then I decided it would be a memory. The security cameras are active for at least 24 hours with black and white screen with no mythical souls and they will be easily caught with some orbs so my parents can take care of these things.

I saw my family such as my aunt, uncle, nanny and my sister Veronica Brown and then I cried almost because I really missed her for at least 2 decades. I also turned into a bit smiling feelings to my grandparents and then I ate their cookies that are shaped like us and the paw-print shape itself.

My Auntie and Uncles see the view of my house living with my friends and Vicky by upstairs protected by security cameras that has hilariously shown everywhere on every walls even on the grass and the roof.

I have a lunch eating with a lamb chop and rice with my family and friends and I chat about what happened when I was missing.

"Sparkle has yet being protected and being into jail with her new interest that she is going to as a banker of the casino" Said Vicky and my auntie has yet surprised things about Sparkle and why she was in jail. I also tell stories of what happened to my parents, how I lived underground and met my friends after 2 decades. The family laughed at me and then they gave me the contact, location and GPS to find my family and where they lived is in Los Angeles for my sister and the rest of them in San Francisco.

They kiss me goodbye and then I became so much excited about my family's reunited and try to remember them forever and never forgive them as I can help them if I can.

This is my story and We all lived Happily Ever After!

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