7 Spend time on self-improvement

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Dedicate the hours you would otherwise spend with her (or thinking about her) to feeling better about yourself. You'll be a new and improved guy with better self-confidence, whether or not she's interested in that at the end of the day. Remember that you're not doing it for her right now — you're doing it for you, so that you feel like the best version of yourself.

>>Step up your grooming. Try making your routine a little more rigorous, and see how it affects your self-esteem. Amp up your skincare, try a different hairstyle, shower more regularly, try a new cologne, and so on.

>>Take control of your life. If there's some aspect of your life that currently feels out of control — whether it's school, your career, or finances — now's the time to rein it back in. Figure out what you need to do to stabilize your situation and feel like you're back on track. Then go do it — don't waste any more time stressing about it. Yes, girls are attracted to men who seem like they're in control of their lives. But even better, you'll feel confident and self-assured that things are going your way, because you've made it so.

>>Cultivate a new hobby or interest. Is there a sport you've always wanted to try? Or a subject you've always wanted to learn more about? Now's the time! Devote yourself to whatever extracurricular interest strikes your fancy, and make it your new focus. Girls are interested in people who are interesting, and having hobbies or outside activities makes you interesting.

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