10 Don't waste time

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After you re-initiate contact, don't wait months to ask her out or otherwise move the relationship to the next level. Do it within the week.

>>Ask her out on a date that is clearly romantic. That means: dinner, on the weekend, just the two of you. She'll get the hint.

>>State your feelings for her in a clear, confident way. Let her know that you're interested in being more than friends. Tell her you'll accept her decision if she's not interested, but you can't keep languishing in the friendzone.

>>Break the touch barrier. Hold her hand, give her a hug, offer to cuddle, or otherwise get physical contact on the table. Especially if the touch barrier was a characteristic of your earlier interactions, this is a pretty clear way to send her a message.

>>Remember that old Sean Connery movie quote: 'The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time.' The gift doesn't have to be extravagant — try something as simple as a single flower or her favorite treat. Don't make a big deal about giving it to her, just do it with a smile and accept her thanks gracefully.

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