12 Helpful Tips

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>>Whenever she is in a sad mood, try to comfort her and act like you care for her. Don't be awkward.

>>Always be nice to her. When you see her, smile at her. Make jokes so you can laugh together

>>Don't follow her around everywhere. It automatically gives you a reputation as a stalker, and it may freak her out. Even following her just a little can create fear, depending on how you act.

>>Make her feel wanted/appreciated and let her know you like her; it's one of the biggest compliments you can give her.

>>If you have braces, glasses or acne, don't be disheartened! Most girls don't mind what's on the outside, as long as you aren't a total slob. Some girls find braces and glasses attractive, and many will overlook a bad complexion.

>>Don't flirt with her for over a week and not ask her out. Don't ask her out over social media: girls don't like it. The most important thing, though, is not to wait too long to ask her out.

>>If you play an instrument, make up a piece of music and play it for her, or play her favorite song.

>>Show sympathy and affection. If the girl you really enjoy being around is sad or hurt, give her a quick hug. Don't just say that you're sorry and you hope she feels better. This works very well, because then the girl knows you care about her.

>>Stay in touch with her.

>>How you act can determine whether she will actually want you to be around her all the time or if even just seeing your face is too much contact. If you know she sees you as a stalker, lay off because trying to do damage control tends to just worsen your situation, instead try to get a friend of your or of hers to intervene on your behalf.

>>Sometimes try to be funny as girls like funny boys.

>>Work out and stay in shape.

>>Be specific what you saying to her as girls don't like guys who beat around the bush.

>>Adopt a good hairstyle that suits your personality.

>>Schedule activities for her and her friends with you and your guy friends. A little bit of showing off is ok, as long as you're helping them learn your talent.

>>Don't tell her via any sort of messaging system what you're doing, no matter how 'cool' you think it is. If you're going to see a movie with your dad, chances are she doesn't care.

>>If she talks to you a lot and finds good excuses to touch you, there's a good chance that she likes you.

>>If you have followed all the steps above and it didn't work, don't feel disheartened. There are other girls out there that will be much more appreciative than the one who turned you down.

>>Try not to be over protective!

>>Dress nice and be well groomed.

>>Don't get too awkward, she might think your really weird, and try to avoid you.

>>If you have acne or something of the nature, do not give up. Girls like guys for their personalities, not facial appearance.

>>Never hurt the emotions of the girl and be clean and discipline. Never shy.Always be special and let her to be special for you.

>>Ask your dad some for help, he is already experienced on this matter and would be very knowledgeable on dating women.

>>Look the girl in the eye when you talk to her. Don't be weird!

>>Don't be arrogant. Don't think she will like you because you're acting as if you are the boss. Girls like simple and sympathetic guys.

>>Don't make yourself seem desperate. BE YOURSELF.

>>Always take time to go out of your way to make her feel wanted. Actions speak louder than words. After the butterfly stage its important to bring back the sweet loving guy she fell in love with . Don't ever get to comfortable.

>>Make her laugh! It always helps if you are fun!

>>Make sure she understands that you care about her and her problems.

>>Don't tell your friends that you like her! Guys can be insensitive and could ruin it for you. Instead, get to know her friends, and eventually tell them that you like her. If they have a good impression of you, they will help you.

>>Be smart, talented and skillful. Girls like it.

>>Be yourself, Don't try to be someone you aren't.

>>If she is sad go and talk to her, Try to cheer her up.

>>Don't always get in her face... It Could get annoying, Give her space but at the same time show her affection.

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