3. Consequences

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“I gotta go, babe, before the girls wake up and notice I’m gone.” Liam said, kissing Zayn on the forehead and pulling away smiling sadly. “It’s almost 5am, you should go in, too, before your parents get up for work.”

Zayn nodded, watching as Liam slowly climbed down the tree and held his arms open to help Zayn down. He slowly slid down until Liam grabbed his legs, then he completely let go, Liam holding him up and setting him down on the ground.

“I love you, Li.” Zayn whispered, stretching up to kiss Liam softly on the lips. He wrapped his arms around Liam’s neck, not wanting to let him go. “Promise me forever?” He asked, breaking apart and looking Liam right in the eyes.

Liam smiled on his lips. “I promise you eternity, baby.” He said quietly into Zayn’s mouth. He pecked his lips once more and pulled back. “Alright, I need to go now, and so do you. I love you and be careful.” Liam said, running out of the yard and into the street towards his side of town.


Zayn walked into his house, closing the door behind him quietly. He looked around to make sure that his parents were still in their room, and walked into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. He’d went into his room without eating after his dad had beat him, so he was starving.

“Where the hell were you, Zayn?”

Zayn’s head popped up and hit the refrigerator, causing him to groan in pain as he turned around. His dad was standing there looking at Zayn with his lips tight and his eyes dark. He only had on his pajamas and Zayn guessed he’d just got up to get ready for work.

“I.. I-I was just getting a sandwich, I was hungry and I have school in a little bit…” He said quietly, nervous for his father’s reaction.

Yaser looked at Zayn with a look of disgust and backhanded him. Zayn cried out loudly, but it was drowned out by his dad yelling. “You fucking liar! I’ve been awake for 2 hours and I saw you outside! Who was that little faggot you were kissing? What the fuck did I tell you, Zayn? You will not be kissing boys in my house!” Through his whole speech, Yaser was periodically hitting Zayn, making him cry and grunt louder each time.

“I’ll fucking kill you before I let you shame this family, boy! If I see you with that little ass fucker ever again, I will kill you both!” He yelled, turning to walk out of the kitchen. He turned back and looked at Zayn’s limp figure on the floor. “Now get your ass up and make me some coffee and get ready for school.” He sneered, walking into his room and slamming the door.

Zayn laid on the floor, crying into his arm for a few minutes after his dad walked out. He was still in pain from the beating earlier, and his side was literally throbbing from this one now. He slowly pulled himself off of the floor, holding onto the counter for support. He moved around the kitchen, crying silently as he made his dad a pot of coffee. He couldn’t do much without holding onto something, so it was slower than usual.

When he was done, he filled a cup and set it where he knew his dad would be able to find it and walked into his room. He pulled his phone from the bottom drawer, sending a text to Liam.

To: My Love

He saw us, Li. He said he’d kill us both if he saw us together again. We need to talk when we get to school. He wrote, tears blurring his vision as the thought about what he wanted to say to Liam.


Liam ran up to the door, trying to open it, but it was locked. “Fuck.” He cursed under his breath, slapping the side of the brick house. He’d left the door unlocked and if it was locked now, that meant that

Ruth and Nicola had woken up, and probably knew about Liam’s absence.

He ran around to the side of the house where his bedroom was and tried the window. When the window opened, Liam sighed in relief and climbed in, being careful not to make too much noise. Once he was in, Liam closed the window behind him and went to get ready for school. His phone vibrated in his pocket and Liam locked his bedroom door before pulling it out to see a text from Zayn.

From: My World

He saw us, Li. He said he’d kill us both if he saw us together again. We need to talk when we get to school.

Liam cursed to himself. If Yaser had seen him and Zayn, he’d definitely not taken it well. Zayn was probably hurt –even more than before- and Liam just couldn’t handle knowing that he was in part to blame.

He wouldn’t do this to Zayn anymore, Liam would not let Zayn get hurt so that he could be happy. When he talked to Zayn later, he’d fix all the wrong he’d done for that boy.

As soon as Liam slipped the phone under his mattress to get dressed, there was a banging on the door. He groaned and went to open it, seeing Ruth on the other side. She snarled and walked in. “I don’t know where the hell you went last night, but to teach you a lesson, you’re going to school in the same thing you wore yesterday. That way everyone that already hates your little faggot ass can beat you up some more.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Your best friend is gay, Roo.” He said quietly, not looking at his older sister.

“I know that, dipshit. And don’t fucking call me Roo, you don’t deserve that.” She said, walking out. She hollered back, “And if I see you out of those clothes, you’ll get a lot more than an ass beating from those damn kids.”

Liam sighed. Really, what was the point in even caring about getting beat up now? He was about to lose the only person he cared about and vice versa. That beating was welcome any day over the pain in his heart right now.


A/N: *sigh* i feel so bad for zayn, oh my god. what do you think he wants to talk to liam about, what is liam gonna do? sorry about this being so sad...

dedication to zayniepaynie case she's gonna run over yaser and tricia

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