Chapter 1

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His brain felt clogged up with blurred out knowledge when he stepped out of the building at nine pm that evening. He'd listened, or at least tried to, but the words had only made their way halfway into his brain, now floating around somewhere in the back of his memory, hidden by all of the other stuff that was more important right now.

A couple of the blokes from the class had gathered behind the building for a smoke. Louis hadn't really spoken to any of them, didn't think adult evening classes were a place for socialising, but hopefully they'd still let him bum a smoke because he couldn't afford another packet before payday.

"Hey," he said, walking up to the group.

Four guys in hoodies and trainers like his own, looked up. Two of them weren't smoking nicotine cigarettes, and yeah, Louis could go for that as well. Anything to take the edge off.

"Hey," one of them replied, reaching out to give him a quick hand-shake, "Louis, right?"

"Yeah. You're...?"


"Right. Yeah."

Harry was tall and broad-shouldered, clad in a dark grey hoodie, hood pulled up over his head and little brown curls framing his pale face. Louis had noticed him before. He was late for the first class of the course, but had managed to charm his way out of it, even with that fifty-something-year-old male teacher. He'd borrowed pencils from Louis twice, come to think of it. "Can I bum one?" Louis therefore felt entitled to ask, nodding at the guys' blunt.

"Only got this," he answered, blowing smoke out into the cold evening air.

"I'd offer you a fag, but my ride's here. I've gotta take off," one of the other guys said, leaving. The third one didn't say anything. Stingy pricks.

Louis was just about to leave, when the boy with the blunt, Harry, said, "you know, I might have something in my bag for you."

Louis looked up at him, brows creasing together a little. "'Something'?"

"Yeah." He waved his blunt around. "'Nother one of these. That's what you wanted, right?"

Louis shifted weight, confused and a little bit irritated. "What, you just told me you didn't have..."

"I lied."

Louis frowned at him. Harry raised his brows.

Louis shifted weight again. "Okay, so can I have it or?"

"Why should I just give it to you like that?"

To be decent, how about that, Louis thought pissily. He was reaching the end of his rope with this bloke. "So, what, what do you want, you want money, is that it?" he stuck a hand into his pockets and grabbed what he could find. "Right, I've got a ten'er, how's that?"

The boy chuckled at the ground and shifted weight from foot to foot. He blew smoke out through his perched pink lips and replied, "I don't want your money."

Christ. "Right, so are you just being a prick or what is it that you want? Because you've lost me at this point, mate."

He stared at Harry, impatient. Harry looked up again, his jaw cocking slightly to the side. His gaze flicked to the side, just for the fraction of a second, but Louis caught it, and- and he knew that look.

Looking back, Louis couldn't really remember whether he went along with it for the sake of a stupid blunt or because he needed to get fucked senseless anyway. In the end it didn't really matter.

The boy went through the back entrance of the building, down a hall and found a handicap bathroom. Louis followed him, two steps behind, until they were standing in the loo with the door locked behind them, looking each other in the face. Harry tugged his hoodie down. Yeah. Louis had definitely noticed that face before. He was pretty, no doubt about it; the sort of chap who knew he could have what he wanted without even having to speak.

He didn't speak now.

He unzipped his jeans, pulled out his cock and began stroking it slowly while still watching Louis. He was big and he was almost fully hard already. It made Louis wonder whether the process of negotiation had gotten him off or if he'd noticed Louis before as well.

"You want to fuck me?" he asked. He couldn't really look up at him. He hadn't done this like this a whole lot of times and he usually didn't like himself for a while afterwards. Not that it stopped him.

The boy shook his head.

Before Louis could ask what he wanted then, a heavy hand was planted on his shoulder, pushing him downwards. Louis landed on his knees and the boy's hand came around to the back of his head, guiding him in place. He slid the head of his cock over Louis' half-closed mouth a few times, pre-come smearing his lips. Louis looked up at him and he was already looking down. His jaw looked strong from this angle, his eyes darker.

Louis was growing hard himself, but he wasn't stupid enough to think that this was about that. This wasn't about him.

He took a hold of Harry's fat cock and steered it into his mouth. As he started sucking, moving back and forth and using his hand where he couldn't reach, Harry began giving these easy hoarse moans that went straight to Louis' lower belly. The hand in Louis' hair tightened, pushing and pulling, making him gag a few of times. He didn't mind it; liked to be treated like a man by a man who knew he could take it.

"Close," Harry gritted out after ten minutes or so, "can I come in your mouth?"

Louis was in half a mind to say no to him, but he didn't want to risk pissing him off before getting his weed. He kept sucking him until Harry's hips began bucking forward and his hand was almost painful in Louis' hair. His noises were loud now, too loud for a bathroom quickie, really, but Louis relished them regardless. He was good at this, he knew that. Couldn't do shit good enough at school and couldn't do shit good enough anywhere else, but he could suck cock in a handicap stall for a toke. That much he had.

The guy came in his mouth, hot sticky come spurting down his tongue and into his throat and a faint-haired pelvis pressed against his nose. After a few seconds, he slipped out of Louis' mouth and Louis scrambled to the sink to spit his come out. They didn't speak as they finished up, only the sounds of a zipper and belt buckle and the running faucet over Louis' tongue filling the room.

"You're good at that," Harry said when he was picking his bag off the floor.

Louis cut off the faucet and checked his tongue in the mirror. "Thanks, man," he muttered dryly, "my parents will be so proud at me for finally putting in some proper effort at school."

"Should be. Your oral performances are really-"

"Yeah yeah," Louis turned around and leant back against the sink, "enough with the innuendo's. Give me my stuff."

Harry laughed, nodding. "All right, then," he said, reaching into his bag and then handing Louis a fat home-rolled blunt. From the quick look Louis got before Harry slung his backpack over his shoulder again, he had several more where that came from. Dick.

Harry locked them out of the toilet and they walked side by side in silence back toward the exit. They stopped outside and Harry pulled out a lighter without having to be asked. Louis watched him as he lit the blunt for him and he took his first deep hit. His cheeks were flushed red and his lips looked bitten into. Louis couldn't help his inner smug prick. "Might wanna wipe your face, mate," he said as they were walking around to the front of the building, "you're glazed in sweat."

Harry snorted that, but Louis didn't miss the hoodie-sleeve being swiped swiftly across his forehead. "Well. Thanks, man. See you next class," Harry said as they'd reach their crossroads.

"Yup," Louis didn't bother shaking his hand. "Later."

He took off in his own direction and didn't look back once. His jaw was starting to ache a little, but the spliff would soon soothe that. It was the perfect arrangement. Even if he was going to dislike himself for a few days after this.

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