Chapter 7

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"How do I look?"

Niall narrowed his eyes, looking Louis up and down. He didn't say anything for several minutes.

Louis sighed impatiently. "What?"

"Hm... turn around for a sec."

Louis sighed again, turning in his spot. He didn't really have time for all of this and also didn't really know why he was taking Niall's fashion advice, but well, for lack better option it'd have to make do.

Niall slapped his arse twice, up and down, then clapped his hands together and said, "you had a bit of dust on your arse. Those jeans have not been worn in a few years, have they?"

Louis turned again, tugging on the hem of the bright red jeans he bought when he was fourteen and just wanted to get fucked by anything with a dick and a pulse. They fit a bit more snugly now, he supposed. "They don't look too small, do they?"

"Mate, I don't think you need to worry about that. Harry does not strike me as the type of guy who has a problem with tight trousers."

"No, I guess you're right."

Louis took another quick look at himself in the mirror. He'd put on a tight white V-neck he knew Harry hadn't seen him in before and he'd fixed his fringe into a casual quiffy thing with a smidgen of hair gel. He thought he looked all right. Fuckable, at the very least.

"Suppose it's a good thing you won't be eating though," Niall muttered from behind him, "trousers considered."

"What do you mean, why wouldn't I be eating? He's cooking for me."

"Well, since you're going to get dicked. Aren't you supposed to not eat anything for like, ten hours before you get stuffed up the arse?"

"Oh my god, shut up!"

Louis left the trailer with Niall's laugh still ringing in his ears.


Sure you dont want me to pick u up?

The message ticked in when Louis was already right around the corner from Harry's building. It was no coincidence. He knew that Harry would send him that text and that was exactly why he'd left home half an hour earlier than he needed to. There would be no picking Louis up in that rusty old van. There would be no Niall opening the door for Harry and Louis coming down a curved stairway in a ball-gown with glitter in his hair. None of that. Just two men having dinner together.

And fucking afterwards.

The buzzer for Harry's apartment didn't work, it seemed, because Louis had been abusing it for three full minutes without luck when someone coincidentally came walking out of the building. Louis swooped in behind him, grabbing the door before it shut and jumped into the smelly stairway. He took the starts two steps at a time, hauling himself up by the railing. He felt in total control, buzzing to surprise Harry with his early arrival. That was, right until he reached a stand-still at Harry's welcome mat and realised that his stomach was doing loops.

This was pathetic. It was just Harry, for fucks sake. Louis had been here a million times before, and now, just because they'd shared a one freaking snog, he was being a little bitch.

He straightened up, exhaling to try and purge all his nervous energy, lifted his fist to knock the door, and then- then a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. "No need to knock."

"What the fuck?" Louis turned to find Harry in a deep red button-down and matching red polka dot oven-mitts. His long hair was pushed into a deep side-part, one side tucked behind his ear, emphasizing his strong jaw and the other waving around his face, framing his cheekbone. He looked ridiculously handsome.

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