Chapter Twenty-One

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Kent's POV

Sadie stabbed at the leafy greens on her plate multiple times before lifting the fork up, twirling it around and around, examining the fork full of salad before sighing and placing the fork back down on her plate. 

For a month now I had watched my wife's sanity slowly slip away. She rarely ate and rarely slept which couldn't be good for our baby. I had to figure out a way to get her out of this rut. 

"What if I told you I have a special night planned for us?" I asked, standing up from my chair and walking over to rub Sadie's shoulders. She was so tense. 

"What would this 'special' night consist of?" She asked, allowing herself to relax slightly.

"Dinner and a movie, just the two of us," I leaned down and kissed her cheek softly and she gave me a small smile. 

"Who's going to watch Em?" 

"I've got it all taken care of, don't worry," I had planned this date a few nights ago, hoping that a little night out together without worrying too much about our daughter would really help Sadie. 

"What time were you thinking?" Sadie mumbled, grabbing her plate of salad that she hadn't even taken one bite out of, to the sink and setting it on the counter. 

"Whenever you're ready," 

Sadie kissed me slowly before she disappeared into our room, stopping on the way to look in at Emery playing quietly in her room. Within two minutes I heard the shower turn on and decided to call my in-laws. They had agreed to watch Emery at our house this evening, they too had noticed Sadie's stress and wanted to help in any way they could. 

I waited patiently while Sadie got ready and just as she was emerging from our bedroom, in walked her parents. Everything was going great so far. 

"Hi mom and dad," Sadie greeted her parents and hugged them with a smile, I think this had been the happiest she'd been in the past month. "So Kent talked you both into babysitting for us tonight?"

"He didn't need to talk us into anything, we always love seeing our granddaughter," Sadie's dad chuckled and as if on cue Emery came running from her room to hug her grandparents. 

"Alright you guys have fun, we'll see you later," I called back, urging Sadie out of the door and making sure to hold open the passenger side door for her. 

"What's going on?" Sadie asked as soon as I got in the car and buckled up, a suspicious look on her face. 

"What do you mean?"

"Why the date night all of a sudden?" She questioned more. 

"I just thought it would be good to get some alone time, we haven't had much of that lately," I reached over and laced our fingers together before kissing the back of my wife's hand. "I love you Sadie Agather," 

"I love you too Kent Agather," Sadie laughed and relaxed back into her seat while we drove to the restaurant. I hadn't seen her this relaxed in a long time. Ryan and Charlie moving back to town and trying to become our friends again had really knocked Sadie off her norm. Thankfully we hadn't heard much from the two. 

We got to the restaurant, got a table in the bar and ordered our drinks right away. I sat across from my gorgeous wife and was captured at her natural beauty. Sure makeup enhanced her features slightly but nothing would ever beat her natural beauty. I was one lucky man. 

"What are you staring at me like that for?" Sadie snapped at me, smiling uncomfortably. I forgot she hated when anyone stared at her for too long. 

"I was just admiring your beauty and wondering how I ever convinced you to marry me," I said chuckling as the waitress brought us our drinks. Sadie rolled her eyes playfully and took a long sip from her drink, a virgin margarita of course.  

"I ask myself that everyday," She teased. It was good for us to be out spending alone time together. 

"I'm glad we came out tonight babe, I think we needed it," I admitted and Sadie nodded. 

"Thank you for getting me out of the house, I haven't been myself lately," Sadie said honestly, biting the inside of her cheek. "I've just been so paranoid,"

I reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. 

"I know, trust me. There's nothing to worry about,"

"Aren't you at least a little concerned that he's back?" Sadie asked, her eyebrows drawing inward as she began to worry all over again. 

"Sadie listen, there's nothing he could ever do to us. We are perfectly safe, please trust me," 

Sadie sighed heavily. "I do trust you, of course I do," 

"Then let's not talk about that, let's just have a great time tonight and go home to have amazing sex," 

Sadie reached over the table and slapped my arm lightly, giggling along with me. 

"Don't say that so loud!" She whisper-yelled at me. 

We drank more than we should've, well I did considering Sadie wasn't drinking alcohol, and indulged in some amazing food that was way too expensive. It was a good thing the movie theater was right across the street. 

After paying our bill I helped Sadie with her jacket and we headed out into the cold to cross the street so we could watch our movie. 

As we were standing in line waiting to buy our ticket I got a phone call from Sadie's mom. 

"Don't answer it, it's probably not important," Sadie said kissing me quickly and pushing my phone back in my pocket. 

A few moments after my phone stopped ringing it began ringing again. I glanced at the clock, it was 9 o'clock already so Emery should've been in bed an hour ago. I wonder if she was giving her grandparents trouble with going to bed. I let my phone ring until it stopped again and was relieved when it didn't start ringing again. 

Not right away at least. 

With the third phone call I decided to answer and Sadie was not too happy, mumbling something about how we could never have a night out without interruptions. 

I was greeted by frantic panicking on the other end, not being able to make out the words Sadie's mom was desperately trying to get across from me.

"What's she saying?" Sadie kept pestering me. 

"Sir, there are other people waiting behind you," The attendant to the movie theater called out and I tugged Sadie out of line while still trying to hear her mother on the phone. 

"Kent, what is she saying?" Sadie demanded but I was too focused on trying to make out her mother's words.

Sadie grabbed the phone and put it on speaker phone for both of us to hear. "Mom slow down, what are you saying?"

The next words that left her mouth would haunt me for the rest of my life. 

"It's Emery, she's....gone," 

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