Going to his house for the first time

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Okay so, you know his  sister right.. Remember  Tanesha.. Yeah well me, my cousin Lee, and her went to her parents house..

Which is where he lived.. We went over to swim..  So we went over about 4ish.. And me and Lee had our swim suits on under our clothes

And tanesha swimmed in clothes. So we took our clothes off and tanesha went to change.. They got showed up .. Toby and his friend luke and dez. 

We all fought each other to get into the pool until we finally got in the pool. It was cooollldddddd... Like we was all cold..

 So we decided to get out and they was talking about girls and all this stuff allott.. Like i'm going to be dead one hundred.. I fr thought Toby was a big hoe.. Just by the way he talked.. 

He got nudes from allot of girls and he was really known and talked to alot of girls and stuff.  But anywho we all decided to go to the store.  No longer after that we went back home.. I changed into my clothes and got my hair dried and all that

I liked Toby.. But I fr thought he would play.. But later on decided to give him a chance.. 

You see.. One night i decided to break up with jack ass.. And the only one that was there for me even tho it was nothing cuz i didn't care about him.. Was Toby.. Once i said its over he called me names. Like if he didn't care to then he shouldn't of called me names.. But i really didn't care.. 

I just ignored him and started talking to Toby.. 

Like me and Toby.. Our conversations were funny.

Like one night i wanted to give him a nickname and i went through my food emojis.. To give him a food name like i did to potato.. Long story.. His name is Jacob.. He was like a good guy friend.. Funny   cool.. And i saw a potato one day and so i gave him the nickname. 

But anywho.. I saw a cookie emoji.. So i sat his nickname as cookie..

 Toby is a perverted. So he said of course.. I can be your cookie.. And me of course.. had to get back and say he couldn't because hes not a girl..

That's how he got his nickname sausage and mine was cookie.  

See.. How i knew things would work.. is i never "talked" to a guy first.. Me and him talked.. our conversations were so hilarious.. I was happy before he was mine.. Well physically.. 

Mentally he was MINE.   In my brain.. He was  just take note.. He was mine before he was physically mine.. 

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