Chapter Sixty-Four:

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That night we were staying in the Cavendish Hotel before getting a car to Gatwick Airport the next morning after having breakfast with our parents. At 3am the last of the people headed either to their rooms upstairs or their homes/hotels. It was just Harry and I left. The boys had filtered out that night and gone into town with a group of people to "carry on the party whilst you two are busy!" Niall had giggled drunkenly.

"So…Mrs. Styles" Harry whispered. We were both stood in the middle of an empty dance floor. It was just the two of us and a few members of staff that were beginning to clean up. "What do you say we go and take that gorgeous dress off?"

I blushed at the suggestion, but my heart sped up with excitement. "Let's go!" Harry laughed as I took his hand and led him to the door. He skipped forward a bit so he was level with me and wrapped his arm around my waist as we headed towards the lift. "Today was most definitely the best day of my life." I sighed as the metal doors slid shut and Harry wrapped both arms around me. My hands were on his shoulders, my shoes hanging from my fingers over his back. He leant forward to kiss me; his crystal green eyes were open and sparkling as he leaned in, a small smile spread out on his lips as I kept my eyes on his. His warm lips met mine and he grinned even wider as I began to giggle.

"God I love you!" He groaned. The lift stopped moving and the doors slid open one more time. "Let's go." We left the lift and stepped onto the 14th floor of the hotel. We were going to be staying in the penthouse so needed to climb up the next set of stairs.

We walked down the carpeted corridors in silence, well aware of the fact it was 3am, with our hands entwined and our shoulders brushing together. My bare ones were tickled by the material of his suit jacket. We came to a wooden door which Harry unlocked with the golden credit card style room key. It popped open to show the swanky interiors.

"Your room, Madame." Harry bowed, with a mock French accent. I went to step inside, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"What are you doing?" He gasped.

"Um…going inside"

"You were going to walk in" he frowned. "That's not very traditional now is it?" He smirked. He swept me up into his arms, causing me to squeal with excitement, and carried me over the threshold. I only noticed his eyes as we headed through the rooms into the bedroom, nothing else. He quietly placed me down on my feet next to the bed, before shrugging off his suit jacket.

"I definitely found Prince Charming." I whispered as he came up behind me, brushed the hair over my shoulder and kissed the base of my neck. I turned around and slowly un buttoned his crisp white shirt. He helped me, by starting at the bottom where as I started at the top. We met in the middle and I helped him slide it off. His trousers were off next, then his shoes and socks. They were all in a pile on the floor of the room.

The room was dark apart from the glow penetrating the window from the moon and streetlights. I could see Harry, his muscular chest and defined arms and legs as the light lit him up. He placed his hands on my shoulders and twisted me around so my back was to him. He placed one hand on the small of my back and held the material still as he used his other hand to unzip the dress. He held it up as I stepped out of it. I turned around to take it out of his hands and drape it over the chair in front of the vanity table but he'd already done it. He was just looking at me as I stood in front of him. I put my hands on his hips and pulled him towards me. Our lips met briefly before he picked me up again and threw me onto the bed. We both laughed, only stopping when our lips met again.

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