Chapter Ninety-Seven:

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I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't fall asleep. My brain was thinking through all the facts I'd read for the case I was about to start. I kicked my leg out from under the quilt and folded it over the top, I was far too warm. I rubbed a hand across my face as I stressed about the details of the murder case I'd been put on. I really needed to get this guy sent down and I knew I could do it, but I was nervous as it will be my first time in court in about 9 months. I was going to be rusty and that's what made me worry. I sighed before turning on to my side to try and get comfy. Harry and I had started sleeping with the curtains open for some reason, so I could see through the French doors right across London.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asked. My heart jumped with fright, I hadn't realized he was awake.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I rolled onto my other side to face him. He was lying on his side, facing me. He reached up a hand and pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"No, I've been awake for quite a while."

"You should have said. I was probably keeping you awake."

"You weren't" He sighed. "What was keeping you up?" He asked. He pushed the quilt down so his bare chest and arms weren't covered.

"Nothing important. What about you?"

He rolled over so he was on his back and looking at the ceiling. He placed his hand on his stomach and slowly trailed his hand up and down it as he thought. "Just thinking." He reached to the side of the bed, flicked the light on and bent down over the bed. He returned with a magazine in his hand and his glasses. "I was thinking that we have Patrick now, but we still live in an apartment. It's not big enough." He sat up and crossed his legs in front of him. He then proceeded to place the magazine in front of us and flip it open to a certain page. "I found this house. It's amazing Lilo." He turned the magazine round and held it out towards me. "Obviously we wouldn't move if you weren't happy about it. But I was thinking we need somewhere bigger for when Patrick is older and if we want more children."

I took the magazine off him and looked at the house he was showing me. I sucked in a breath at the sight of it, it was beautiful. The photos showed the big, black gates that opened up to a winding gravel drive which led to a large, red brick house. It was massive! The inside was totally modern. It had wooden flooring in the large entry and a winding, wooden staircase. The kitchen, living room and dining room were all white with white and wooden features. It was stunning. I flicked onto the next page to find photos of a tennis court, large gardens and a swimming pool. "This is stunning" I sighed. I flicked back to read the information on it. It was in Wimbledon. I could see Harry had written some notes on the side. I read his writing; it was calculations on how far away it was from where we both worked.

"It's about half an hour to work for both of us, not too far away from the rest of the guys and we're still in London and there are some great schools near by." He whispered in my ear. I hadn't felt him come up behind me.

"It's perfect, but can we afford it?" I asked. The house really was great; it was exactly that we needed.

"You like it?" He asked, avoiding my question. "Like, really really like it?"

"Yes" I laughed quietly. "It's perfect for what we need. But can we afford it?" I asked again.

"I'm glad you think that because I already put an offer on it." He grinned.

I carefully put the magazine down on the bed and looked at him in surprise. "What?" I asked.

"I put an offer down on it. The estate agent said it would go quickly so I didn't want to risk losing it."

"Have you been to see it?" I asked. I was still pretty shocked.

He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah. I took Louis today whilst you were at work. It's amazing Lilo, I'll take you this weekend. I just know you'll love it."

"Okay" I said quietly. I was stunned at how easy and good this felt. I trusted his judgement and it seemed as though he'd done all the research. I felt myself breaking into a grin as I saw him smiling. "It's perfect." I pushed the magazine to the side and leant forward to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me on top of him and kissed me again. I took his glasses of his face and put them on the bedside table. "It's perfect" I whispered again before kissing him once more. He took an arm from around my waist, flicked the lamp off and then rolled me onto my back. I giggled as he pulled my top off and kissed me at the base of my neck.

"You're perfect" He whispered, before taking the rest of my pyjamas off.

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