Chapter Seventy-Six:

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(2 months later)

I twisted the diamond earrings in my ears as I read the paper. Harry had given to me for my birthday on March 6th. There was an article about Lady Gaga wearing a dress made of lettuce leaves which didn't interest me, so I flicked over the page. As I did Harry left the room to go into the kitchen. The headline caught my eye.

"One Direction star caught cheating!" underneath it was a grainy photo, taken in a night club on a mobile phone, of one of the boys kissing a thin, blonde woman. Her hands were on his face; his hands were on her shoulders. I squinted trying to see who it was, and then I recognized the clothes. It was the white shirt and jeans that Harry had worn out the other night. The hair was exactly how Louis had his and then I saw the ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. I couldn't believe my eyes. In disbelief I scanned the text underneath, only a few words jumped out: Harry, mystery blonde, passionate, happy, wife. That was enough. In anger I stood up from the table, grabbed my keys, phone and bag and left the apartment, slamming the door shut behind me.

I ran to the lift and repeatedly pressed the button that would take me to the garage under the building. It finally started to move, definitely not fast enough. My phone buzzed in my hand, I didn't even look at it before slipping it into my pocket.

The lift doors slid open and I jogged over to my car. I'd traded my vintage beetle for an Audi a few months ago. I slid into the leather seats and suddenly broke down. I clutched the steering wheel and pressed my forehead against it. The tears streamed down my face as I sobbed loudly and unattractively in my car. Why's he cheating on me? It's probably because of my scars. I sat there and thought about everything that had happened, any sign from him that he wasn't happy or that he was cheating. I came up with nothing. "I'm so naïve!" I thought.

My phone buzzed again in my pocket but I ignored it, then the passenger door popped open. I didn't look up, I just stayed where I was with my head on the wheel, no longer crying, just feeling mad and stupidly naïve. Whoever it was that got in sat in silence until I finally looked up to see who it was.

Luckily it was Louis. He smiled at me sadly and handed me a tissue. "He's not cheating on you Lilo." He whispered. "Trust me. It's not for me to explain, but you just need to know he isn't."

I blew my nose before speaking. "He obviously is. He's been caught kissing some other woman. There's proof Louis."

He shook his head. "That photo means nothing, just go and hear him out, he's frantic up there. He made me come down here to explain as much as I could."

"I don't want to see him." I sighed. I couldn't face it.

"Then come back to mine. You can hide out there, it's comfier than sitting in your car, but it doesn't have the new car smell I'm afraid." He tried to joke and it worked, slightly. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

We both climbed out of the car and he held my hand as we headed inside. His apartment was identical to Harry's except the bedrooms and kitchen were on opposite sides and obviously the furniture. I sat down on the red sofa and stared out the window, thinking everything through. My head was pounding from the crying and I just wanted to curl up into a ball and be with my mom.

"Can you please just tell me what happened?" I asked as my phone buzzed again. "I don't want to ask him."

I felt defeated when he just shook his head. I flopped over onto my side and tucked my legs up to my chest. I lay like that for a while just watching as the clouds moved across the sky and listening to the mumbling coming from Louis talking to Harry next door.

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