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Zach's POV

I smiled at her. She was beautiful. I wiped the sweat from her head and pulled the blanket down. Logan walked in. Jonah took her temp using the forehead thermometer. "She is at 106.3, We gotta take her in," he says. I nodded and picked her up gently. "Zach?" She asked caughing. "Shh, we are going too the clinic, your fever is very high right now," I say. She nods and drifts back too sleep.

We reached the clinic and they took her first. "When did it start?" The nurse asked. "Around 8' o clock, 8 thirty ish," Jonah answers. "Alright, that means she is burning up fast, well hook up an IV real quick and get some cold fluids in her," The nurse says. "Any thing specific she ate?" The nurse asked. "Umm, just some chocolate pudding and some cereal before the soup we gave her," I answered. "Is she allergic too anything?" The nurse asked. "Not that we know of," Logan says. "Well, this a very common case for people who are having an allergic reaction too Nuts, specifically Hazel Nut,almonds, Peanuts," The nurse explained. "There was Hazel nuts and peanut extract in the pudding," Jonah says. "Okay, lets get her started on some anti-allergy fluids, that should bring the fever down, well give you guys some allergy pills and an epipen too carry with her, This is a common allergy, nothing irregular about it, stuff happens, we get it," The nurse says. I smiled. "So she'll be okay right?" I asked. The nurse nodded. "She'll be good too go within the next half hour 45 minutes," The nurse says.

(Skip ahead)

"So, everytime she has an allergic reaction, her face will swell up and she will need too injected with epipen, if the swelling does not go down, bring her too a hospital or a police station and they will take care of it," The nurse exlained. I nodded.

We arrived home and Chloe was still tired from the mds they gave her, I carried her too the love sack and sat down, cuddling her.

@ImZachHerron(Via Twitter.)

Tomorrow is 6 months. 6 months that I have been with you Chloe Somer Everlin Paul! I wouldnt trade you for the world. I love you so much princess **Heart**. Happy 6 months!!

@DanielSeavey(Via Twitter.)

Congratulations on 6 months too my lovely pair!! I'm so proud of you guys!! CONGRATS!!!!! @ImZachHerron @ChloePaul

@JackAveryMusic(Via Twitter.)

Makes me proud knwing he treats her well, good job bud, keep up the goodwork!!

@JonahMarais(Via Twitter.)

Happy Happy Happy aniiversary!!!

@CorbynBesson(Via Twitter.)


Chloe's Pov

I walked downstairs and hugged Zach. I pulled out his present, it was Rolex watch. He pulled out his. "Happy anniversary," He says. I kissed him. "Open it," he says. I opened the box too reveal a beautiful necklace, the pendet was a Z and I smiled. "It's beautiful," I said. He nodded and kissed my lips. "BOYS ! BIG NEWS!! YOUR TOUR DATE WAS MOVED SO AT 3 TOMORROW YOU BOYS HAVE TOO LEAVE FOR LONDON!!," Logan yelled. I shrugged and we continued too cuddle.

I woke up too my alarm and seen the boys all packed and ready. We headed too the car and yesterday we took goodbye photos.

I smiled as Zach stood upm five minutes until his plane was getting called. He took my hands and I hugged him. "I love you so much," He whispers. I looked up at him and kissed his lips. His flight was called and he headed off, blowing me kisses. I smiled and walked too the car with Logan. We got in and headed too Jakes house. I knocked and walked inside. "CHLOE!!!" Emilio yelled, scooping me up. I giggled and he put me down. I seen Jake outside filiming something for his vlog and I decided too surprise him. I walked outside. "Well, this looks dumb," I say loudly. Jake paused and turned around. He seen me and tears flooded his eyes. I ran too him, and jumped on him. "I missed you Jakey," I say. "I missed you too," He replied, pecking my cheek. "Guys, this is my sister Chloe, who just suprised me. " Jake says too his vlog I smiled and waved.

I'm Sorry I can't Always Be There//Zach Herron FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz