[5] The Most Awaited Day

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It's so difficult to find someone who always sticks with you through all the darkness in your life. Who doesn't lets you get blinded by the darkness and always leads you through it no matter how dangerous the path is. Kayden is the only light to my lonely, dark road. He's always there to show me the way even when I push him away.

We were walking by the side of the highway, where he saved my life a few hours ago. He was holding my hand and made me forget about all the dark thoughts. All I was doing was taking in the cold air mixed with his cologne on his jacket that he put around me. I felt safe with him right by my side. A comfortable silence captured us while we were walking, until we came to the turning point of my neighborhood.

"I don't wanna go in that house Kay" I say terrified by thinking what may happen.

"Don't worry about it. It's just a matter of few hours and then we'll be far away, enjoying life." He said with a smile.

But it didn't make me feel any better. All my demons hit back in my head. I felt a cold air hit my hand and turned around to see Kayden took away his hand from mine. It terrified me even more thinking he won't be there to save me if something bad happened. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping me and my head was against Kayden's chest.

"Everything's gonna be alright" he says with an assuring voice.

He pulls away and I wrap my arms around myself shivering from the cold and my fear.

"Just a few hours Andrea and you'll be having the best time of your life. Do you trust me?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

I nod my head "yes" forcing a smile on my face.

I saw him smile and turn around, walking to his way getting lost in the dark mist until he was visible no more. I turn back to the road that leads to my house. I began to walk slowly down the hell. I was scared to my bones and felt like I'm living a nightmare. Anything can happen when I walk through those doors.

"I'll rip your skin off once you get home!"

My stepfather's words kept repeating in my head. This isn't the first time I'm walking home scared. He threatened me many times before. Once I got beaten up badly when he was drunk. I had to stay in hospital for three days and when it came to my discharge, unlike the other kids I was too afraid to get back home scared of what was waiting for me. There were nights I would be sleeping on the door when it's snowing just 'cause they didn't found me worthy of the warmth inside the house.

I've always tried to be an obedient kid but nothing ever worked. He fed on my tears. How horrifying it is to say that my mother married a monster who loved to rip off every bright part of my soul. I stop dead on my tracks looking straight at the house in front of me. My House.

It was dark and it brought a little drop of hope in my dry chest, because it meant they were asleep. I don't even care that they slept knowing their daughter is somewhere outside in this cold in a bad state of mind. It was better that they slept or there would be some torture planned by them on my return. I sigh taking each step closer to the door silently. I twisted the door knob to open it but it was locked. So this was my punishment. Spending the night outside in this chilly weather.

I walked towards the backside of the house and stepped on a broken fence, then caught the wooden shelf over the window and pushed my weak body up. This is how I climb up to my room. This is what I always to when they lock me out. I settle myself in the small roof outside the window of my room and pushed it to open. I got inside and sighed.

Not wasting a single minute, I started to pack my necessities in a small suitcase. I took my clothes and some basic things. I looked at my nightstand and saw a picture of me and my real dad. I was 6 years old and was hugging him with a wide smile spread across my face. I chuckled at my childishness. I don't remember when I last smiled like that. It would have been years. I looked at my dad's picture and he had a warm but small smile on his face, hugging me back and looking straight at the camera.

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