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Walking out of the airport I look around in search of the pair of grey eyes among the crowd waiting for their visitors.

It's been two years of me studying at Yale and everything was going as perfect as possible. Yes, there was a lonely feeling without Kayden by my side but we maintained a long distance for all these years. I'd visit him every summer for a month and we never got bored of each other. Now here I am officially graduated and coming back home, to my Kayden.

After getting discharged of the hospital, it took him few weeks to come back to his original, cheerful self.

I get snapped out of my thoughts as I get pulled by a pair of strong arms grabbing my waist from behind me, sending chills through my spine but I soon got comfortable as I hear the familiar voice.

"Hey baby, I missed you" he says burying his face in my neck causing me to chuckle.

"I missed you too." I turn around and put my arms around his neck so that I can see that handsome face of his after such a long time.

"Hi" he whispers with a cheeky grin.

"Hey" I whisper back and rub my nose on his.

He purses his lips and we look at each other for a while smiling like complete idiots. Kayden's eyes dart on my chest and I furrow my eyebrows and look down, to see him staring at the necklace he gave me last summer as a sign of our love.

"You're wearing that?" He asks.

I peck his lips as a reply. "I guess I am indeed."

He puts his hands around my waist as we walk to his car. A smile creeps on my face as soon as I saw it.

"This car holds so many memories trapped inside of it!" I giggle. "We literally spent the night in it!"

"We can do a little more than just sleep inside the car, you know?" He pulls me close. "if you want of course."

My eyes widen as I get what he means. My cheeks go red as I push him playfully, earning chuckles from him.

He comes to a serious face suddenly and walks two steps away from me. I pull my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Wow Andrea!" He chuckles in hurt making me stand in shock wondering what did I do now to make him behave like that.

"I thought you like kids!"

"Wha-?" I cut myself off as I realise where this going. "You jerk!" I slap his forearm playfully and he burst off laughing.

Both of our attention went to a loud cheer behind us. We saw a couple riding a horse-cart and looking happy as ever. Kayden holds me by my waist as he kisses the top of my head.

"You know Kayden, when I was a kid I always dreamt about my prince coming in a white horse and asking 'will you marry me my princess?' and then taking me away on a horse to somewhere where it would be just us." I turn to look at a smiling Kayden. "I didn't see his face back then, but now I know who he is." I peck his lips. "It's you. My prince."

He smiles at me and suddenly kneels down on his knees.

"What are you doing? Get up." I say in confusion while pulling his hands to get him up.

"Wait!" He hisses making me stop at my place.

"You're an idiot at times Rea!" He giggles and I gasp. "I'm not really prepared but again, we never really are-"

"Say it already!" My heart beating fast as I'm having a slight idea of what's about to come. He chuckles.

"Will you marry me my princess?"

I bite my lip to control my feelings.

"Not without my ring" I raise up my ring finger to him while giggling.

"Oh god!" He groans in annoyance while getting up.

I laugh and he quickly slides a simple metal ring on my ring finger making me shocked. He moved his hand away from mine and the slight smile on my face changed to a frown, as I find that the ring, isn't really a ring but a key ring holding a couple of keys.

"What the-" he cuts me off by a peck on my lips.

"A key?" I ask in poker face.

"It's not just a key, but a key to our place where there will be no one. Just us...our own apartment." He smiles.

"Oh my god!" I squeal and jump on him as he takes me in his arms. "I love you!"

"I love you too princess" he puts me down and points to his car. "Now shall we get going? we got a long journey ahead of us."

---THE END---

A/N: Sorry for the not-so-interesting epilogue but I guessed it would be better this way according to the theme of the book hehe. I personally love this story among the other stories I wrote lol.


Check out my other books!

-Annie 💕

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