Chapter 26

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Peeta's pov

"Want to go to dinner tonight?" I ask Katniss.

"Sure, where?" she says back. Prim is watching Lily tonight.

"I thought maybe somewhere fancy," I say. I want to ask Katniss to marry me. I've asked her a couple times, but she always says in a couple years. Its been 2 since I've last asked, so maybe she's ready now.

"Special occasion?" She asks.

"Nothing really, just because," I say and give her a short kiss.

"Okay," she says and smiles.

Later that night at the resteraunt, I have no idea how to ask her, so I'm just going to talk to her about it.

"So Kat, I was wondering if you're ready to get married," I blurt out.

"Peeta! Why are we talking about this now?" She says seriously.

"Because Kat, I want to be your husband. Not your boyfriend. I want to get married," I say.

"Why label it? We've been together for 4 years, isn't that enough?" She says. Why won't she just agree to get married?

"What's wrong with you and marriages?" I say getting mad. "Annie and Finnick got married! Why can't we?"

"We're not Annie and Finnick. And I just don't want to get married, ok?" She says and rolls her eyes. What is her deal?

"Kat! Come on, marry me," I say again.

"No Peeta, not now. Soon I will," She says quietly.

"No," I say and get on my knee. "Katniss Everdeen, will you do me the honors of marrying me?"

"Peeta," she says looking around. I have everyones attention in the resteraunt.

"I'm not getting up until you say yes," I say smiling at her.

"Peeta," she says again. I stay where I am only looking at her. She starts to smile. "Okay, I'll marry you Peeta Mellark."

"You just made me the happiest man in the world," I say and put the ring on her finger. Every one in the resteraunt cheers.

"Peeta," she says blushing.

"Yes, finacè?" I ask her smilling.

"I have to tell you something," she says.

"Anything," I say getting serious.

"I'm pregnant," she says.

Lily's pov (its going to be like a 3 year old, so there will be spelling mistakes when she talks)

"Mommy, daddy!" I say when I see them after grandma puts me down. I wun up to dem and give dem a hug.

"Hey princess," mommy says and daddy gives me a kiss on my head taking me into his arms.

"Mom, we have some good news!" Katniss says.

"What now?" She says and laughs.

"Peeta and I are getting engaged," She says and shows grandma her hand. What does that mean?

"Also we have some other news," Peeta says. What else? Mommy leans in to grandma and whispers something in her ear. Her eyes get wide and she smiles. I love grandmas smile, but why can't they tell me? I huff and put my head on daddy's shoulder.

"What's wrong babe?" Daddy asks me pinching my cheek.

"I want to know!" I say and put my nose to his.

"We'll tell you tomorrow, I promise," he says and smiles. I still don't. I want to know now!

"Pwomise?" I ask him holding up my pinky. Daddy taught me how to pinky promise.

"Promise," he says and links his pinky with mine. I grab my nose and give him a kiss and he grabs my stomach and tickles me making me laugh.

Later that night mommy and daddy put me down for bed. I can't wait to hear the news tomorrow.

Katniss pov

I wake up to an empty bed. I put my robe on and walk to the kitchen. I see Peeta with Lily on his side making breakfast. I don't think I could see anything cuter in my life.

"Goodmorning you two," I say wrapping my arms around Peeta.

"Goodmorning mommy! Daddy said I could hear the news after breakfast!" She says.

"Sounds good," I say and give her a kiss.

"Morning babe," Peeta says and gives me a quick kiss. Lily giggles and puts her tiny hands on my cheeks. She thinks it's funny when Peeta and I kiss.

I wait at the table for Lily and Peeta.

"They're ready!" Lily says running toward the table with a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks princess," I say laughing putting her on the chair next to me. Peeta brings the rest of breakfast to the table.

Once everyone has food on their plates, Lily speaks again. "So, mommy daddy what's the news??"

I look to Peeta and he motions me to talk.

"Lily, what would you think if you would get another sister or brother?" I say.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"Would you like it if there was another baby in our family?" I say trying again.

"But our family's pewfect aweady!" She says confusing.

"Yes it is. But don't you think it would be fun if you had a baby brother or sister to play with?" Peeta says this time.

"I don't know daddy," she says. She doesn't want a new baby?

"Well, guess what Lil?" I say.

"What mommy?" she says with her gorgeous smile.

"I'm going to have a baby princess. Soon, you'll have a baby sister or brother," I say smiling. Her smile fades in a shrug.

"I don't want a baby though. I just want you mommy and daddy!" she says. Oh no, I think.

I look over at Peeta, he's face is unexplainable.

"Well, just think about it princess okay?" Peeta says.

"No! I alweady thought about it!" She says and hops of the chair. She marches into her room and slams the door. This is going to be more difficult then I thought.

A new baby's coming! Girl or boy? Comment! & thank you to everyone's support(:

-xoxoxo Ashley

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