Chapter 2

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Sean POV

“Mark?” I called through the house. I had gone to the store due to Mark’s lack of food. I heard some pots rattle in the kitchen. It’s been a week of me being here, and from what I can tell Mark is feeling at least a tiny bit better.


“Mark, what did you do now?” I said running to the kitchen. He had his right arm shoved to the back of the cupboard with his head almost completely engulfed in the wood.

“Hey, Sean.”

“Hey,” I replied. For this whole week he has called me Sean. I don’t know why. Even though I have no Issues with it, it’s a little weird. No one really ever called me Sean. Plus, I've known him for two years, and that whole time he called me Jack.

“So, um. What are you doing there Mark?”

“Uh. I was trying to get that pan out.”

“Which pan?”

“The pizza pan.”

“It isn’t even in that cupboard.”

“Come the fuck on! You’re kidding right?”

“Nope.” I said walking over to another cupboard and pulling out the pan he wanted.

“Seriously. I’ve lived in this house for three years now and I can’t remember where the stupid pan is. But you who has been here for a week knows exactly.”

“Yep. Pretty much.”


“So what are you making?” I said jokingly.

“Sean!” He yelled smiling. I hadn’t seen him smile is a while, it was refreshing.

“I know, I know. I was joking.”


“You’re obviously making beef stew!” I said rolling my eyes slowly.

“Sean, you little…”

“What is it markimoo?” I said making a pouty face. He had released himself from the cupboard and stood up. I handed the pan to him and he set it down. He walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.



“So um… last week…”

“What is it Mark?”

“Well you said…”

Mark POV

How do I say this? I am so nervous. He’ll hate me if I say it, won’t he!


“Yea?” I could hear my voice shaking.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?”

“Okay. So last week when you came here, you said… you said you loved me.”

“What about it?”

“Well, um. I-I was w-wondering if you would like to go out sometime?”

Oh god, how could I say that. He will hate me. He thinks I’m terrible. Oh, god. Fuck! I’m so stupid.

“Yea. That’d be nice.” He said interrupting my thoughts.


“Mark. When I said I loved you I wasn’t joking or exaggerating in any way. I love you Mark. I really do.”

“I love you too Sean.”

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