8: Red

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Mat didn't know Nate could sing! And he sings so well...

Sighing, Mat approached his house. He opened the door and stepped into the entry way. Shouts could be heard from the basement. Jack probably had friends over.

Jack was Mat's adopted brother. Jack was Orange.

He had more friends than Mat, yes, but that's only because Jack becomes friends with everyone. Mat chooses people. Carefully.

Mat walked upstairs and flopped onto his bed. The familiarity of the room was comforting. He pulled his knees up to his chest.

Mat's room was white. His sheets were light gray. His curtains were red. He had papers covering his black desk. His clothes were all neatly folded in a corner, and there was practically nothing on the floor.

Jack and his friends were still shouting.

Annoyed, Mat walked into the basement. Jack's friends Mark and Felix were playing video games with the green haired Irishman. 

"Would you guys quiet down?" Mat snapped.

They all looked at him.

"Calm down, Mat," Jack said. "We're just having a bit of fun!"

"Calm down?" Mat said. Before he could stop himself, he started talking. "I can't calm down! I just discovered my friend can sing. And, as far as I know, is abused! That's what it sounded like! And now you are being loud and annoying! How can I calm down?"

Then, in a super cliche move, he turned and stalked away.

Mat say in his room, again. His cat, Skip, was curled up in his lap.

Mat stroked the cat's ears. It purred.

Mat allowed his mind to wander. Nate had put so much emotion into that song. The kind of emotion no one would expect from a Gray.

And his voice... Nate's voice had been perfect for the song. 

Nate had an unmistakable voice already, but that song had been him in no doubt. (AUTHOR~CHAN THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE) (SHUT UP RANDOM COMMENTER!)

Now, Mat needed to talk to his friend.

He jumped off his bed, and ran out the door.

(That he somehow got to from his room?) (I SAID SHUT UP!)

Grayed Out-NatePatWhere stories live. Discover now