I'm sorry

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I'm sorry that I wasn't perfect for your guides eyes I let you down s many ways. I brought your hopes up for nothing just my selfishness. I'm sorry to
For being to clingy for nothing you with nonsense bullsh*t i have. I'm sorry for tbbeing so fucken over dramatic at everything I do. That I can't except what I have and love it that I'm always like the one person whos like I WANT MORE I'M NOT THAT BRIGHT CHILD THAT GETS PERFECT A+ AND NEVER TALKED BACK OR GETS ANGRY AT EVERYONE!!!

but I am that child that's weird and has many groups of friends. I'm sorry that in the end I change my personality for you, that I can force a happy smile even when I'm hurting Inside, that I hide my emotions just to carry on your so I dont have to deal with my pain at all. I'm sorry I'm that person that will change my mood when someone else is around. I'M SORRY I'M SO TAKE WI TH Y'ALL MY EMOTIONS AND EVERYTHING.. . . I'm sorry

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