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Thanks for the oc! Sorry it took so long!

Name: Coldrain

This is a very pretty name, I like the use of Cold because not many people use this, rain as a prefix is really good too

Reason For Name: Cold was because he was born on one of the coldest days his mother had ever experienced. Rain was because of the natural marking on his chest which sort of looks like a raindrop.

I like this reason, it's really well thought out and I like how he wasn't named for the usual reasons like eye color or something like that. I like the idea that he was named after the weather it's pretty unique

Appearance: Quite small, lean, sleek furred tom with black fur and a white muzzle and chest. He has a black spot in the center of his chest that looks like a raindrop. His eyes are wide and yellow, with amber flecks. He has a long scar across his stomach.

I love the addition of the scar across the stomach, it's the small details that really set Oc cats apart from other oc's which I need to work on. I like the yellow eyes, they aren't very common on main character cats so I like it. I also like the idea of the raindrop shapes, he seems like a very handsome cat

Gender: Tom

Love seeing toms

Age: Currently 26 moons old (Roughly 2 years)

I think that's a good age, I really don't pay attention to exact ages

Rank: Warrior

What else :)

Clan: TorrentClan

I don't think I've seen this clan before, so it's original in my eyes, I really like it

Personality: Coldrain used to be a hardworking young apprentice but developed a very nervous and anxious personality as he grew into a warrior. He has no self-confidence and doesn't talk much, nor does he take part in socialising. Despite this, he is strangely good at  makings others feel better and has a lot of compassion hidden in his heart.

This is a beautiful personality, it's not too full of flaws and not too full of only good traits, I think it balanced out very nicely. I like how well it could apply to anyone's personality, especially for someone who might have anxiety

Backstory: As an apprentice, Coldpaw was given Eagletalon as a mentor. Eagletalon was an abusive mentor who regularly would punish and threaten Coldpaw for making mistakes. He couldn't tell anyone and every time he came back to camp with a new notch in his ear, he had to blame it on brambles. One day, Coldpaw tried to run and tell the leader when Eagletalon attempted murder, slicing his belly open. Luckily, the medicine cat saved him in time and Eagletalon was banished. This may have been quite a relief but Coldrain was still terrified and nervous as a result of his cruel way of training. He met a she-cat named Cedarbush, who he became mates with quite a bit later. She was really his only friend and helped to take his mind off his terrible past.

That's so sad! I wish I could just hug him! This is a great backstory, not too cliche, and not to all out crazy, I like the idea that he had someone to lean on when he was going through such a hard time. Very awesome

Family: Mother- Quaildusk- Brown tabby she-cat with yellowy-amber eyes.

I love her name, though I think dusk is a little over used but I love this name

Father- Lioneyes- Black tom with bright amber eyes.

I personally love this name, it's so intimidating and amazing at the same time, I love it

Mate- Cedarbush- Grey she-cat with green eyes and black flecks.

She sounds really pretty and I love her name

Kits- None, not interested.

That's understandable

Cause of death: Will die in battle at 39 moons, killed by Jaysong, a DuskClan cat.

Though I think this death might be too over used I like it, there aren't many creative ways to die so i think this is pretty good

Overall I would give this cat a 9.5/10, I think the personality and appearance are just amazing and the back story just sound so original and amazing, I love this cat and his backstory! The only thing I could think of that might need to be worked on is the way that your cat died, I know it's hard, I have a hard time too but other than that your Oc is amazing!

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