The Clash of The Exes (Daniel's POV) Chapter 19

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Okay Daniel, take a deep breath and







I had no choice but to keep calm with a dropped jaw. At least Mia gets to do it with me...

"Uh," Mrs. MacAller said, facing Mia "Your father and I'll be upstairs."

They awkwardly exited and left us kids/teens alone.

"Uh...." I said, really without anything else to say.

"I can explain." Luke and Sienna said, simultaneously.

"Explain." Mia and I said, simultaneously.

"Yeah, explain!" Alliana, Ariana, Cody, Alli, Tom and Derek said at the same time. We exchanged looks and stifled giggles.

"Okay, but seriously," Mia said, trying and epicly failing at keeping her face straight. "Explain."

Sienna and Luke looked at each other with awkward looks.

"Well...." Sienna began.

"Wait," Luke said. "Promise not to call us stupid."

We all nodded, and Sienna gulped.

"Well, uh, Daniel?" she said, giving me a you-better-listen look.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Remember my old dance coach?" Sienna asked me, I nodded. Sienna's a great dancer and she really took it seriously so she had this (gay) coach teach her some moves.

"Yeah, something Foster, right?" I clarified, she nodded.

"Well, for some reason, I searched his name on facebook. Long stor short he doesn't have one and I friended Luke instead."

"We've been chatting everyday since." Luke butted in. "And then we became friends..."

He didn't say anything after that, which led to a looooooong awkward silence.

"So....." Mia began, narrowing her eyebrows. "You're telling me you met through facebook?"

Luke and Sienna nodded and Ariana rolled her eyes.

"How stupid." she muttered.

"Shut up." Luke replied, softly but firmly with his don't-argue-I'm-the-boss voice tone, which Ariana gave in to.

"So,uh," Mia said, fidgeting with her hair. "If you guys don't mind..."

"Lemme guess." Sienna said, "You wanna hear our full story?"

Mia nodded and so did I.

"You tell." Sienna told Luke.

"No," Luke said, "You tell."

"You tell." Sienna insisted.

"You tell." Luke shot back.

"Dangit!" I said, to end that weird arguement. "Just take turns in telling it, alright?"

They both shrugged and nodded.

"Okay. Where were we?" Sienna asked.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Friended him on facebook..."

"Oh yeah." Sienna said. "Then we began chatting everyday since."

"We became friends....." Luke said. 

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