Part 1-arrival

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Note : that is what u will be wearing u can change it if u wanna well on to the story
~~~~~~~~ the start ~~~~~~~~~~

"Ryuuko could u come to my office" someone said through the speaker of the church. Well let's start with the introduction shall we ? Hi my name is ryuuko ryuuko Komori but this is not my real family I was saved by Seiji Komori and he adopted me from the orphanage and he have a daughter name Yui Komori my so called older sister. Done with the intro now if u excuse I got to go see my "Father" before I get "killed" by him. I entered his so called office and took a seat infront of him. "u called?" I said . "Yes u do know that I am going on a trip right?"He said "ya" I replied "well I need you to accompany your Sister tomorrow she is going to one of my friends house" "wait......processing...processing WHAT I NEED TO GO WITH YUI ONNESAN!" I yelled after realising what he said "yes I'm sorry I know this is sudden but you need to pack and leave tomorrow" " FINE!" I bellowed while muttering curses under my breath. I packed everything in less than a hour . My Sister haven't even packed finish like wth I was inform later than u how do u not pack ugh 😑 never mind

~~~~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~~

The sun is shining through my window I woke up feeling the breeze and was fresh I heard the birds chirp- wait wait wait hold up did u really think that would be what I said I'm not a morning person . The sun is shining I woke up feeling like I need another nap oh well let's just take a nap 💤 "ring ring" I threw the alarm clock and it smashed into a million pieces oh well .that is more like it. Anyway I went to the toilet did my routine combed my hair , I wore a white dream shirt (that is what they called it in the game like I said before u can switch if u wanna) some blue cuffed short (that is what they called it to) with a belt I tied my hair with a black ribbon (pic above ) I grabbed my angel backpack and my cat headphones 🎧 (pic above) . I went downstairs to grab my breakfast I was taking a different car there so I had more time i then took a slice of toast and a few cookies that I made yesterday u didn't think I was going on a empty stomach did u food =life 4 me. The car arrive I sat on the seat and the guy drived off I talked to him and got to know his name : bob(weird name I know) after talking I took put my cat earphones on and fell asleep 💤 listening to the music 🎧 "pretty girls"(u can change the music if u wanna)

~~~~~time skip (brought to you by nutellla 🍫)~~~~~~

I arrived at the house . Currently bob is trying to wake ryuuko up "Mdm can u please wake up" bob said while slightly shaking her . Suddenly ryuuko got up grabbed his hand real tight and glared at him " WHO WOKE ME UP~~~oh it's just u bob" ryuuko let his hand go and said " sorry bout that buddy catch u later" she got off the cab took her luggage and stepped out she saw Yui. "Yui oneesan papa asked me to come here with you"I said oh god I sound like a freaking 4 year old 4. "Oh....Kay let's go" we step into the mansion gate and we heard thunder  it started raining wow how did that happen must be magic . Yui oneesan took her luggage and ran up the stairs hurriedly and said "it's raining" . No shit Sherlock she left me behind wow what a kind sister. " Ryu hurry". kay be patient jeez . I ran with a luggage up the stairs , yui knocked on the door twice and suddenly it swung open "hello" she said just as she was about
to push the door it open itself.holy shit this mansion is haunted yui just looked shock. She went in and said "hello is anyone home 🏠?"I just walked behind her then I closed the door "that's funny" she said to herself .what is funny I think she might be crazy ."maybe they weren't told I was coming" . First I'm here it should be we second seriously I wasted my time .holy this mansion is huge as I was looking around, we saw a guy with red hair ....hmmm let's call him tomato 🍅 "yui don't go near him I can sense he is danger" I said but when I look to the side she's gone wow 😮 now ur ignoring me . Yui went to his side and said "excuse me" while touching his hand. What is wrong with u yui first u don't listen to me and now u just touched him what is wrong with u. " ur cold are u okay?" And she lies on him. Wow seriously I think there is something wrong with her. "Oh no he has no pulse we need to call the ambulance" she screamed. U don't go screaming at people u just met yui. She took out her pink cellphone 📱 and started pressing the buttons.tomatoe then....
Note: I will make a part 2 for arrival as u can see it's quite Long and I need to go study for an exam so yeah bye guys cya hope u enjoy if u have any questions u can comment or pm me I will try to reply as soon as possible

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