chapter one: invasion

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A: Ara    N: Namjoon    

A:         I remember it just as clear as when it happened:


             Very foggy.

N:         I was in bed. 

             Usually, I could hear the crickets chirping outside

             but that night, I couldn't hear a single sound. 

A:         There were many looming shadows, 

             more than that of most nights

             which made me lose focus

             and not want to sleep. 

N:         I tossed and turned for a millennium

             and I'd started to sweat everywhere. 

             I didn't know what was happening-

A+N:   until it happened. 

             That feeling. 

A:         It sank beneath me, right to the very bottom of my heart

             before rooting itself

             and spreading out. 

N:         It wandered through my soul

             and filled every innocent part of me

             deep and dark, 

A:         making me think of things I'd never think about

             and stirring a sinister fire inside me

             that thrashed around, 

             threatening to burst free. 

N:         I crashed and burned 

             yet I was absolutely still

             and I started to get woozy. 

A:         My ears started ringing

             and my eyes got heavy.

             and at long last, I fell asleep

             in pain. 

A+N:   But not before I heard these words:

             "I am the Geoul

             and this pain is nothing

             compared to your future."

             And then, I was gone. 

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