chapter five: futures

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Everyone had changed

in the three years of loss. 

First of all, 

Hobi had quit producing as he had 

"lost his touch". 

"I can't think of any more songs,"

he'd said to the rest of the rapper line

as he sipped his chilled chamomile tea, 

with two sugar cubes

and weirdly, a drop of vanilla essence. 

Just the way he liked it. 

But overtime I walked past Hope World, 

the unused studio, 

my heart couldn't help but tug at its strings. 

Everyone else was improving. 

The maknae had started to write some songs for himself

and singing them in the Golden Closet

or just everywhere he went. 

Taehyung had acted in more shows

and became more reputable as an actor. 

Jin's dancing was so much better

and he didn't look like a clown anymore. 

Jimin was training himself to be polyglotted

and his main target for testing a language

was me. 

"Leiser, leiser, kleine laute~"

He normally learned through classical music. 

He always made those German guttural sounds-

"ich, iCh, IcH!"

-which I hated. 

Moving on to Yoongi hyung -

which might take a while. 

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