chapter three: hopes

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Everyone had changed

in the three years of loss. 

Wednesday was in her third year of art school

and already getting ready to travel to South Korea

to audition for an entertainment company 

called BigHit Entertainment. 

There was a boy band that belonged to it

called BTS.

All of us still loved it the same 

ever since Wednesday had introduced it to us 

four years ago. 


thinking about BTS

pulled at me, 

saying that something had happened

between me and them

or just one of them. 

But I couldn't remember who

so I shrugged it off. 

Micah and Wren both went to the same school

and were both chasing their dreams

of being a sports journalist

and a doctor. 

Hattie and I were distant

but I knew that she was a budding lawyer. 


Well, she was in her last year of primary school

and had no clue what she wanted to do

but she did have many career options in front of her

like modelling 

and clothes designing. 

I was the black sheep

as I didn't know what to do at all

and no one gave me any pointers. 

I guess you could say...

no more dream?

The person who wrote that song 

was incredibly relatable. 

I felt a sort of closeness

to the man behind the songs.

But who in the rapper line wrote it?

Rapmon, J-Hope or Suga?

I didn't know

so I could never feel. 

So when Wednesday asked me out for dinner

to help her with her book

(she's multi-talented), 

I took it up immediately. 

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