Chapter 6 Are hatters all knowing?

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"Amy?" the red fairy asked as the momentum of Amy jumping into the chair had sent both Amy and the wheel chair into the wall. Amy remained silent but a large grin was seen on her face. The fairy sighed,"Were you having fun in here?"

Amy's face suddenly fell. Kanbey was still there! She knew Kanbey could read her mind so maybe she can think things to it.

'Get out,' Amy thought to it.

'Why? She does not have magical potential. She can't see me,' Kanbey's voice sounded in her head.

'Oh...,'Amy thought. Well then...

"Um Amy?" Rosemary inquired, "When did you get your nail painted?"

Amy stiffened. How the hell did that fairy notice that of all things? Rosemary sighed, seeing Amy did not seem to want to talk and wheeled her to the castleteria for dinner.

The fairy wheeled Amy over to a table with six other fairies. Each one was a different color of the rainbow with the exception of a gray skinned fairy.

"Who is this?"the gray one asked.

"This is Amy, the transfer student," Rosemary chirped.

"Well,we are the cheerhexers, new girl. I am the leader if this squad, name's Faybelle Thorn. These guys are Iris Orange, Daffodil Yellow, Dahlia Green, Violet Blue and Verbena Purple. You all ready know Rosemary Red. We are from the sleeping beauty story."

"Hey umm,"a voice spoke with a tap on Rosemary's shoulder,"Can I see the new girl now?" The girl had purple eyes and a combination of mint tea and purple hair and she was dressed similar to a magical girl. Amy could not help but smile at this girl, unsure if she was a fellow magical girl. The red fairy placed Amy's dinner on her lap as the girl wheeled her to a different, lone table.

She wheeled Amy to one side of and sat across from her. Kanbey appeared, taking a seat on the table.

"Hello Amy Liddell,I am Madeline Hatter, daughter of the mad hatter of wonderland,"the girl introduced herself.

"How do you know my name?"

"The Narrators. Consider me a friend. I know all about what is going on so you can eat if you want."

Amy gave a weary glance before looking down at the tray Rosemary had given her. The tray had turtle soup and a slice of some fancy quiche. Amy was not fond of what was on her tray. Too fancy, she preferred beef to turtle any day.

"Would you like me to get you something else?"

"Sure...some average food would be appreciated and no soup."

The girl happily stood up and went to get the mad girl some average food. The girl soon returned with a new tray which she sat before Amy. The new tray had a small well done steak, 3 chocolate scones and an apple tart.

"I think you would appreciate these more than the far too fancy food of royalty,"Madeline said with a smile.

"I do. Thanks,"Amy said before shoving a delicious scone in her mouth. It has been so long since she could eat on her own so the chewy food was delightful and slightly painful for Amy's mouth. She scarfed the food down before Madeline offered a cup of mint tea, which she gladly accepted.

"So what do these narrators tell you?"

"They tell me just about anything. What is going, when it is, all sorts if stuff. You can say I know just about everything that is going on, and it seems you are our main character."

"Main character?"

"Yup. The story revolves around you, the mysterious girl from London, fresh from the asylum. I hear things as you discover them. I know what is going on. I know Kanbey is on the table but I can not see it. I know that I lack magical potential and you are a magical girl. I also know that you were visited by Sacro, the witch of illfate."

"I did. But she was not after me. Why?"

"She was after Rosemary Red silly."


"She is a fairy. Briar, the next sleeping beauty might not follow her destiny, thus forcing those in her story to follow suit. If she manages to defy fate, then Rosemary Red will go poof and vanish into oblivion. Sacro was going to kill her before she does go poof. Fairies are kinda required to follow their destiny."

"So all those cheerleaders...the witch will kill them...won't she?"

"That is correct. Leaves you with two options, kill the witch, or change their fate."

"Change their fate?"

"If Briar Beauty is willing to follow her destiny then the witch will no longer target the fairies, but I would not suggest it. After all someth...we are being filmed..."

"What?"Amy's eyes quickly saw the mirror like device from earlier, the red light pointing at them.

"That's a mirror pad, just letting you know because it is getting annoying to hear mirror like device. We will continue this later, meet me in the Home evilnomics room at 10."

Oh boy...what has she gotten herself into...did she get herself into this?

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