Chapter 35: Final Act, Pre Puella Program

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Amy sat in her dorm room. Rosemary was looking at her, staring her down. As far as Amy can tell, the witch has yet to curse her. Good News. Bad news, room mate is suspicious of her. Maddie's words of being a main character came to mind. What is Rosemary then? A supporting character? Less than a supporting character?

Rosemary looked at the magi as if searching for something,"You can talk can't you? Talk normally and without madness?"

Amy didn't move. The events of today burned in her head. The fight with Blondie and the fight with familiars posing as magi troubled her. Also she can't break character...not yet.

Rosemary sighed,"Why...I know...don't you see that?"

"Witch?"Amy asked, a grin plastered on her face.

Rosemary turned to the girl,"What?"

"Witch...fate Witch? Glass magi?" Amy questioned. Rosemary looked at her in confusion."Witch? Pet? What? Are? You?"

"Huh...? I am a know that."

"Cursed? Bewitched? Fake? What? Are? You?"

"I don't understand..."

"Royal? Rebel? Topsy Turvy! Hope? Despair? Fake or Witch! What are you?"

Rosemary was terrified. Her room mate was never this...unhinged before. Usually she is silent and now? Babbling nonsense and cackling in madness.

"Hope? Despair? Witch! Witch! That's what you are! AhaHAHAHA!"

Something clawed at Amy's mind. This was too familiar. Madness, pure and unadulterated madness.


Dopple of Madness. Her form is a wonderland cat. The master of this emotion sleeps in the soul gem structure, her mad dreams bubbling out. This dopple gives advice to the lost but has a nasty bite to those who don't heed her.

"Hahaha!"Amy laughed in madness. She was going insane. Isn't wonderland saved? What is going on?

"Poor Amy,"the deep voice of the cheshire cat spoke in her head,"Looks like you bear a curse. You need to check yourself."

Amy stopped laughing...a curse? Right... If she is not careful...she might...
Helga was in the kitchen of the school, gorging on sweets and baked goods. The magi licked her lips as her favorite dessert was almost done baking, gingerbread. Gus tapped her shoulder.

"Hello Cousin,"Helga greeted with her mouth stuffed with a chocolate cupcake.

" have been acting...funny."


"That,"Gus spoke, pointing at the oven.

"Gingerbread? Oh yeah...a recent addiction of mine... Since...Bonbon appeared."

"You don't think Bonbon is slowly taking you?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if you are becoming more like Bonbon the more you...I don't know but I think you are. I mean you have been eating a lot more and I am positive you are using magic to increase your metabolism."

"Wait...let me see your neck..."

"Helga...I am not witch kissed."

"Making sure, now show."

"Fine..."he said with a sigh, exposing his neck on both sides. No mark.

" it possible..."Helga questioned.


"Well some white out fixed Charlotte's problem, and I didn't sign. But what if the magic of the fate witch is causing us to be more witch like?"

"Well, if you are referring to Amy's ability to create miniature barriers,"a voice spoke to Helga. Gus knew that look that crossed Helga's face meant there was an incubator,"that is absolutely natural considering her magic. Her magic is creation, especially creating things from her head, a place she calls wonderland. She is able to create miniature barriers naturally because of this but it is possible theory regarding your behavior. Especially since Amy did manage to create familiars, as these creatures do not exist within her wonderland."

"Wonderland? In her...head?"

"That is correct Helga. Amy is the direct daughter of Alice, not the Alice most know."

"Why do you know so much about her?"

"Her mother had a lot a magical potential. I do not think I told you about the loop hole created by Amy, didn't I?"

"Loop hole?"

"Amy's wish was to save her wonderland, which is a key part of her mental state. Originally, she would go into a comma like state as she ventured her own mind. However her wish completed her fate without her having to set foot into her head. This created a loop hole for magical girls to continue to exist within this school."

"But my wish had...of course...Ginger is a part of my story...saving her..."

"Wishes like yours, which are indirectly tied to your original fate widened this loop hole."

"Blondie's wish?"

"Talking to animals."


"Kazumi is not a magical the traditional sense. She has yet to make a contract with me."

"In this timeline,"a voice spoke. The two turned their heads, Gus did too but he could not see what was there. There sat a creature with a black body and ears, the incubator mark on its forehead, its looked like Kanbey but its ears and body was black white its head and neck fur was white.

"Hello Jubey,"Kyubey greeted.

"She did make a contract with you but when the law of cycles began to exist, she and others like her could no longer exist."

"Others like...wait what does the law of cycles have anything to do with Kazumi's existence?"

"The law of cycles made witches no longer able to exist."

"Kazumi' a witch?"

"Born from a witch,"Jubey corrected, "She is technically a clone, the thirteenth clone of a magi called Michiru. In our timelines, she does make a contract to become a real human."

" said that Alice had a lot of magical potential...the loop hole has a secondary opening...doesn't it? Amy's true fate is..."
The witch of fate in human form was in her dorm room, alone. She sung a small song and could not help but frown as not a single bird came by. Was she that bad now? She was once a princess, but now she is a commoner to her kind. The princess of her kind was trying to hunt her down. She ventured out of her dorm room and made her way to the castleteria, where the students cheered and clapped as she made her way down the stairs. Why were they clapping? Oh yes...she succeeded...for the most part. She had stopped the rebellion at school. She bewitched rebels that escaped the witches and now all that was left was the puella magi to turn. But that is about 20 people, nothing to worry about. Soon she will have her happily ever after. All she has to kill her queen.

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