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"Excuse me, miss, you dropped this" I pulled one headphone out of my ear when I felt a tap at my shoulder.

An elderly man with long gray hair smiled at me, holding my train card out in his hands.

"Oh, thank you, I always do that" I laughed, taking the card from him.

I held onto the green card tightly in my hand and put my headphones back in my ears. The icy Melbourne wind was hitting me in all different directions and rain was starting to fall as I continued walking down the pavement. I could feel my hands going numb and my nose getting stuffy, I hated the weather at this time of the year, it was always raining and too cold to even go outside. The rain started to pick up and I ran to the double doors to avoide the horrendous weather conditions.

When I reached the entrance I noticed a boy who's back was faced towards me, blocking the way. I was getting drenched as he stood directly in front of me and I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to stay warm.

"No! You are not getting on without money on your card" I heard the train officer boom at the boy.

"Listen, just this once, I usually top up I-I don't have any money on me" The boy was arguing with the train officer sounding desperate.

I was getting more annoyed each passing second I was out in the cold, so I pulled his arm backwards and stepped in front of him.

"Watch it" He shouted, his voice angry.

I tapped my card onto the toll in the front of the train once, before tapping once again to pay for him.

"I got it" I said, making quick eye contact and turning around to find a seat.

I walked to the end of the carriage and sat in the far back corner in an empty seat, turning up the volume on my phone.

The train began to pull away from the station and I saw the boy from earlier walking into my carriage. He wore a red bandana which pushed back his light brown hair, a ripped Nirvana shirt and black jeans. He looked around the train before his eyes landed on mine, and began walking over.

Please don't sit here. Please don't sit here. Please don't sit here. I thought repeatedly to myself while turning my head towards the window.

"Hey" Bandana boy sat directly opposite me and nudged my leg with his boots to get my attention.

I pulled one headphone out of my ear and looked at him.

"Uh, thanks, for that. You didn't have to.." He trailed off, his eyes casted downwards.

"Didn't look like you were getting on this train if I hadn't" I replied, biting my lip.

"Yeah, I guess, thanks. I'll give you like, three dollars or something, when I get it" He finally looked at me, his light brown eyes staring into mine.

"Thats okay" I smiled.

"I'm Ashton by the way, Ashton Irwin" He smiled back, deep dimples showing.

I nodded my head in response. "You're not going to tell me your name?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why? Its not like we're going to see each other after this" I shrugged.

"Well how am I supposed to give you your three dollars back?" He smirked.

"My name's Indy" I replied.

The rain picked up and poured heavily against the glass, obstructing the view of anything outside the window.

Ashton and I stayed silent the whole train ride before my stop came. Occasionally, he would look at me, and divert his eyes as soon as I caught his gaze. Once I reached my stop, I stood up, grabbed my backpack and turned towards the exit doors.

"Wait" Ashton called out, reaching into his own backpack and pulling out an umbrella. Drum sticks peeked out of the top pocket of his bag. "It kinda, has holes in it but, yeah"

"Don't worry about it, its just rain" I said.

"Take it, please" He licked his lips.

"How will I get it back to you?" I asked.

"Same way I'm giving you your three dollars. I'll see you next Tuesday" The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, his eyes looking downwards.

I didn't say anything but took the umbrella from his hands and walked out of the train doors. I opened it up as soon as the rain began to pelt on me. He was right, it had about two or three holes in it. Why was he carrying around an umbrella with holes? Why doesn't he just get a new one? I made a mental note to buy him a new umbrella to give to him on Tuesday, if I would even see him. I tried so hard to ignore the slight happy feeling I was getting from the thought of seeing him again.

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