Keenan: I lost ten dollars, and it's not like I could care less!

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Yup. As it has been implicitly described in the title, that damn tall guy's into Lucy all right. And vice versa, damn it all. Since the gala, there's not a day that brat missed talking about him. Whether it's his knee-weakening smile, his sexy accent, or his stare that makes the world spins–yeah, Lucille said that literally, as if, as if, the world hasn't already spun to begin with!

Foolish. Being with him makes Lucille foolish. And what's with his name? Greyson–son of grey? A son that's grey? Anyway. I mean, it's not like my standard is high–though my own parents are exceptions. But, it's a given that us demigods are unusually, if not shallowly named. For instance: my cell's contact list is never far from god of sun's aliases from all over the world, 'sun' in different languages, or anything related to it: light, ray, summer, and so on. Sunny. And I know that this is also applied to our opposite lineage. How can I possibly miss it if my inner circle is no exception? Look, I know that moon is most likely grey-coloured. But, for the love of mother earth, what kind of parents named their son 'Greyson'?

Crazy. Obviously that guy was born into one crazy family. It's true that he has the perfect appearance, flawless nature, and British accent has always been undeniably sexy–yeah, he's a Greek growing up in Newcastle. But, I'm sure that there's some catch in it. There's something he hasn't told of, some secret he hasn't yet unveiled, some past that's–oh, I don't know–a little 'grey'... One thing for sure, no one, not even a demigod, could be that perfect. And that means, technically I can assume that Greyson is not a good idea.

The question is, how to knock some sense into a girl in love?

"...Keenan... Earth to Keenan!"

I fall down from my desk chair, Sunny's shriek still hurts my ear. Rubbing my earlobe, I start to get back to my surroundings. My room is the way it's always been–except for empty packs of chips and supermarket beer cans. And even though I've practically known Sunny from birth, I still have no idea how he alone can do this huge of a mess to my 3x3m room in three, five minutes tops.

Not that we're close. Like mine, his family is also one of god of sun's delegacies, so we're separated by millions of hectares seas and lands, and only have the chance to meet in Equinox Gala or special visits like his father does now. But, I don't know, we should have some special connection given that we have the same blood and all. And, normally, I could read him like an open book like he does to me right now: "Come on, you have to stop talking with yourself."

"I am not," I dismiss him hastily, not in the mood to hear the same teasing I got since Kimberly's controversial remark.

Sunny purses his lips. "I practically could see Lucille in your eyes."

"Okay, that sounds creepy," I say, still can't look this K-pop's most happening star in the eyes. Oh, don't start–being famous is entirely a choice, okay? No human could actually be immune to us demigods' charms. And, I don't know about singing or dancing, but sun race has unmistakable talent to entertain–more like 'manipulate' if you ask me, but it's futile to debate him.

"Help me to understand, K," Sunny stares at me like one of those poor laboratory rats. "I thought, what was in Gala is just you being cranky about socializing. But, you do have feelings to a moon race?"

"I don't!" I groan, annoyed. "It's just, Greyson–that guy–there's something wrong about him. I'm sure of it–I mean, who would be so fast to be into a girl? He even plans his move already in their first week texting!"

Sunny looks at me, puzzled. "Come on, K. You do know he's not from delegacy family–nothing's really holding him back, you know?"

I return his gaze. "But, to sail over seven seas for a girl you've known for a week–isn't that a little bit fishy?"

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