Chapter 7: Epic Reveal

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Chapter 7: Epic Reveal

Yukimi's PoV

After I announced all my known data about them. All of their jaw drop at the very ground, even the most calm of them all, Akashi and Midorima, had their slight jaw drop with an astounding expression. 'Heh. Their expressions are really funny. Haha!' I just laughed inwardly. Oh! I forgot to tell you I've been disguising my voice unknownly since the beginning. I'm just using the disguise voice when I wear cloaks and hoods.

"Cat got your tongue." I stated which made them came back to reality.

"How d-do you know so m-much about us?" stuttered by Kise.

"T-That thing is a STALKER I tell you!!! S-So CREEPY! Get away from us you Stalking Creeper!!!" Aomine screamed in creepiness.

"I'll crawl in your sleep at night!" I jokingly said, voicing out a creepy and scary voice while approaching him.

"WHA!! Satsuki! Help me get away from this creep!" he run away from me and clinged at Kise and the unexpected Kise clinged back.

"Is this Yaoi again?" I asked while staring at the two.

"They're both gay, Hime-chin" Murasakibara said while munching some sweet.

"Everyone in the gym raise their hands who seen this figure except for the lunch seeings. And for those who didn't get out." Akashi ordered.

Thus, all of them raised their hands while I walk out. 'Hehe! I want to annoy them. I'm not expressionless and monotonous. Hm.. Why is that?' I thought while walking out.

"OI! You! Where are you going?" Aomine asked.

"I didn't see the figure so I'll go out." I said.

"What the heck?! You're the figure you weirded creep!" he screamed.

"Do you want to die early, Ahomine? Don't scream, because I'll gladly do it if you ask properly. And if you ever scream again I'll kill you and call my dear friends to devour you." I said with my creepy voice.

"WHAHA-- LKJHGFDPEYDGHS!" Aomine almost screamed but it was cut off by Kise who covered his mouth both of his hands.

"Shh! We'll die if you scream." Kise whispered but failed because I heard his words.

"Mr. Kise, do you also want to join us? I'll assure you you'll see heaven." I said.

"Heaven? Why not hell?" he asked.

"Oh. So you want that. Okay. You'll see your grave straight to hell." I said with a more creepy voice.

"Damn it Kise! You made it worse!" the aho said.

"You're in luck I'm not in the mood to do it but just say it to me and I'll do it in a flash." I stated while nearing them.

"Kuroko, are you finished in reading the book you dropped earlier." I asked while approaching him.

"GET AWAY FROM HER KUROKO!" the aho and kinpatsu screamed.

"Hai! I just finished reading it." he said while closed the book.

"Here's the second volume." I said while grabbing the book from no where.

"Arigatou." he said while a hint of sparkles flashed in his eyes.

"Coach." they all said except the kuro and aka.

"Who are you, nanodayo?" Midorima asked all of a sudden.

"Or I'll rather say, WHAT ARE YOU?!" the Ahomine asked.

"What's your gender?" Satsuki asked.

"What's your name?" Kuroko also asked.

"Do you love sweets?" Murasakibara asked while sparkles appeared all aroung him.

"How do you know so much about us?" Kise once again asked the same question.

"Why are you wearing a cloak?" Akashi also asked.

"I..." I paused. 'I'll make sure to make an epic intro.' Thus I ready myself.

"Am.." then the wind blow my hood revealing my fake identity. I changed my voice into a scarier one, even scary than the last one. I am glaring a deadly stare accompanied by a evil and devilish grin plastered in my face which I saw sent shivers down their spine. My stare could burn it's every path and could scare ones living soul. My eyes are glowing the color of deadly green. I continued my speech.

"Your worst nightmare!"

ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ

Author's Note

Yay! Another update!

I updated and sadly it's so short. Sorry for the short update, I still have the author's block. I will just leave you guys a thrilling cliffhanger again. :D

Also, if you want to see the hooded cloak image please go back to the Chapter 5: Unexpected Seeings. Hehe! I forgot to put it so there you go. There's also the face of the maiden at the media.

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Enjoy the update! Ja~

☆ Published: 10:16 p.m. | May 5, 2014 ☆

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