in the morning. chap. 7

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- ( A/N ) this is a short note to y'all.  But yea here we go.  Normal is (y o u). Bold is (Z a n e). That's all what I wanted to say enjoy the chapter. -

Y o u r
P o v

  I woke Up in some Ones Arms.  They were wrapped Around My waist. I then look up to see Zane pulling me closer to him. I blushed at what he's doing.

  He must not know that he's asleep.  So I faked being asleep.  But I eventually fell a sleep.  I feel so safe in his arms. I don't care if we are dating or not.  I love being with him.

Z a n e
P o v

  I soon wake up to some one hugging me.  I looked down I didn't have my mask on.  Or my shirt.  Ok I did have pants on.  But I looked down to see a girl hugging me. It was ( y/n)  who was hugging me.

  So,  I slowly tried to get up.  But ( y/n )  was hugging me so tight that I couldn't get out of her grip.  I tried wiggling out of her grip. But I about walk her up.  So I stopped doing that.

  So,  I just went back to sleep.  I mean it was the best idea I had right now.  Zzz. Zzz. Zzz. Zzz.

* ( ok a few hours later )  *

  I woke up to the smell of bacon. So,  I walked down stairs to see ( Y/N ) cooking bacon.  She was like in a sweat shirt.  When she had fuzzy pants.

  She looked really cute in it.  ( I mean what your wearing.  ) I felt my face started to heat up. And she turned her head to look at me.

* Y o u r *
- P o v -

I turned my head to see a blushing Zane standing in my kitchen door way. Then I took a good look at his mouth area.  And I saw no mask. It must be up stairs in my room. Then my eyes started to wonder down to his abs. Then my blush started to grow darker. From what my eyes were seeing. I hope this moment never ends for my eyes.

  So,  I walked up to give him a peck on the check. I knew we weren't dating but I liked him a lot.  I can't stop thinking of him.
  So, he spoke in his deep, yet  smoothing voice. 

Z a n e -  h-hey. * he was studering which was really cute. *
( Y/N )  I knew we're not dating.  But....

( a/n )  - sorry this one is short,  but it's late and I want to go to bed.  Even if it was pretty short you can still tell me to write about or something. -

Lonely Hated Scars, But Beautiful Love In The End(Zane x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now