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I walked nervously down the lane as Ruby blabbered on about who knows what. It was to be my first day of school and contrary to my emotions, the sky was clear and the sun beaming down onto the trees. I was beyond scared as to what my fellow classmates would think of me. They had already been at school for a term.  I looked at Ruby again as she talked and tried to concentrate on what she was saying.

"Oh and then there is Gilbert! He is really handsome - really the only nice boy. Josie Pye insists that I have dibs on him but..." 

It was then that I zoned out. I honestly couldn't care less about some poor boy that Ruby was infatuated with. I was preoccupied with the idea that the school was just around this next bend.

"Gilbert!" Ruby said loudly, causing my attention to divert. A boy of about 14 rounded the corner, a scarf tightly wrapped around his neck, his dark black hair ruffled because of the wind.

"Gilbert, over here!" Ruby shouted again. He turned his head and gave a grimace, before smiling.

"Hi there!" He called, before turning back to school. He graciously waited for us and Ruby motioned me over. They small talked and I did as I was told and didn't talk. We walked awkwardly the rest of the distance until finally, we stood before the school hall.

"Ruby!" A voice called and soon Ruby had disappeared. I stood alone in the schoolyard, completely terrified.

"Nervous huh?" Not quite alone. I turned to see Gilbert, who had his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, actually." The school bell went and I started to walk into school.

"What was your name again?" Gilbert inquired, putting his stuff down next to mine.

"Eli Gillis" I said, before turning and walking into the class.

"Good Morning Class," The man at the front of the class said firmly.

"Good morning Mr Phillips." The class chimed back. He smiled flatly before grabbing the pile of books and passing them around.

"Excuse me, sir!" one girl piped up. I put my head down, dreading this moment.

"You forgot to introduce the new girl!" I could feel eyes turn to me and I got up shakily.

"Ah yes, class this is our new student - Elizabeth Gillis, she is Miss Gillis' cousin" I smiled and sat down quickly - trying to focus on the equations in front of me. I really didn't like attention from anyone, I was extremely stagefright. I studied my book and was only disturbed when I heard my name. 

"I don't know about her Ruby. Where did you say she's from again?" A voice whispered behind me.

"She used to live in Nova Scotia. Mother won't tell me much more than that." Ruby squeaked back. I grimaced, I really didn't want people to know about my life back home. For sure they would make fun of me and call me names. So I decided here in Avonlea I would lay low.

Till the day I die | G. BlytheWhere stories live. Discover now