Post The Twilight Saga: Renesme's life 17 years later

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Ok so this is officially my first story. On wattpad anyways. Lol this is basically renesme's life after breaking dawn. I'm writing this assuming you have read the twilight saga. So enjoy. :) P.S. Please give me feedback. Anything is good. Lol thNx for reading!


"we have plenty of time to work on it," I reminded him

"forever and forever and forever," he murmered.

"that sounds exactly right to me."

And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever.

- the last few lines of Stephenie Meyer's breaking dawn

17 years, 5 months, and 3 weeks

"ahhh!!" I squeeled as jake lifted me over his shoulder and threw me across the living room. I landed on the couch with a huff. Jake started laughing at me! I wasn't hurt at all but I decided to play it off. (mentally rubbing my hands together) I am so getting him back. I made my sad face and in half a second my Jakey was at my side. Right where I wanted him. Mwahaha

"renesme!! I'm sorry are you alright??" Jake said in a slight panick.

My face went from puppy to evil grin as I wrapped my legs aroung his naked torso (it's a werewolf thing) and threw him over my head, 10 feet in the air and then into a wall. He landed on the ground and sat up looking defeated.

"damn it you always get me with the puppy face." Jake said as he laughed.

"that's right old man!" I laughed menacingly. See technically Jake is around 35 but he looks like 22, hence

the old man remark. Jake is my bestest best friend ever. I love him like family, he's been around since before I was born. I guess he has an imprint on me? I don't really know all the details but I know it makes him want to hang out with me ALL the time and Im ok with that cuz I like being around him too. He's always there for me, he's like my ball of sunshine. Whenever he's around I feel nothing but happy and warm and content. He's amazing. Not that I'd tell anyone that. Haha

He just laughed at my insult as my mother walked into the room with dad at her side.

"not in the house you two." mom giggled

"sorry Bella!" jacob chirped. Kiss up. I just rolled my eyes. Me and Jake have been known to break stuff in the past.

"Renesme are you going to help Alice plan your birthday party??" my dad asked as he put an arm around my moms waist and then stared into her caramel eyes. Man they've been together for like ever and there still super in love .

"sure I guess", I replied reluctantly. my mom looked all happy that she didn't have to help my crazy aunt Alice plan my 18th birthday party, which is one week away. 'dad she better not go over board' I thought towards my dad. He gave me a half laughing/sympathetic look and left to our house for the night. Bleh. That's probably why they want me to stay here at grandpa Carlisle's house. Again I say BLEH. Eveyone seems alot more excited about my upcoming birthday than I am. I think it's because even though I'm barely 18, I've had the body of a full grown woman for about 6 years, so nothings really changing for me.

"alright well I better get home Nessie, or Ane is gonna keep bugging my dad to let her in the house to see me. Jeez she won't leave me alone!" jake said using my childhood nickname

I laughed at him. " I'll keep you safe from that cyco Jake. Just stay here!"

"nah I really gotta go. See you tomarrow renesme!" he pulled me into one of his huge 108 degree Jacob hugs.

"can't breath Jake!" I gasped

He laughed at me and let me down. "Anne awaits me!" he said sarcastically ," bye!" he said with a very Jacoby grin.

"bye Jake! call me if you need me to teach her a lesson." and I closed he door. I really don't like that Anne girl. She is apparently in love with Jacob and won't leave him alone. She's 17 (just a few months younger than me) and the second ever female werewolf, other than Leah. She stalks him all the time! When she first became a werewolf, guess whos pack she chose to be in? Ya Jake's instaed of Sam's. So she gets to be near him all time cuz of the pack thing, plus some, so she tries. You can guess her reaction the first time she saw him naked. Apparently she basicaly had a stroke, so jacob tells me. Now he has to be more careful about phasing in front of her. The more I think about it the more mad I get! I don't know why I feel so protective Jake, it's just that he is mine! It's always been that way. Don't get me wrong, Jacob is definately his own goofy, loving person, but I kinda have him wrapped around my little finger. Hehe

All of a sudden my anger subsided and I knew Jasper was in the room. I turned around and saw him looking at me with one eyebrow raised inquisitively.

"what's got you so mad?" he asked me.

"that stupid girl keeps stalking jacob!" I said even though I was feeling all calm and tingly inside.

He laughed at me," possesive much?" Alice said from behind Jasper.

"No! It's just that she's bothering him alot and I don't want him to be afraid to go home eveyday!" I replied a little too fast. Dang it. Alice giggled in her usual alice laugh.

"oh ok renesme, don't act like you don't have a HUGE crush on him." Jasper laughed at that.

I could feel my cheeks get extremely red, something I inherited from my mother. I mean Jake is pretty good looking (considering his flawless face with the big dark brown eyes, high cheekbones, kissable full lips, messy black hair, broad strong shoulders, yummy abbs, 6 foot 5 height....) oh man I shouldn't think like that... Jake has always been around me and things seriously never got romantic. I don't know why that's just the way we are. I mean he is a hottie... But nah. Besides my dad would probly rip Jake's tail off if he tried anything with me.

"she's blushing! Aww." Jasper said. I couldn't get mad cuz of his stupid mood magic.

"fine Alice, since I have such a huge crush on Jacob, then i guess I'll spend all my time with him and you don't need to pick out my clothes or have me help you plan my party." I said with a hmmp.

She frowned at the first one and smiled at the second. "ok then." she replied with a dazzling smile. I immediately regretted saying that. I don't know what I would dress in if she didn't treat me like a doll and who knows what she would do with my party wihout supervision. She saw the frightened realization on my face and smiled even bigger.

"on second thought Alice, I think I'll help with the party. And you can still dress me up. ". I spat quickly.

"that's what I thought", she replied whith a smug grin.

Oh gosh, this should be fun, I thought to myself.


So that the end of part one. :) question, comment, praise! Haha jk vote too! I don't want to post more till I have at least three comments and 5 votes. I'm trying not to get my hopes too high. Lol So happy reading! Until next time


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