Post The Twilight Saga part 12

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Here it is!!! Part 12 :)



We walked into the house all together, feeling 1000 times heavier than before Jake came and delivered the news that devastated my family. Finding out that she was being held hostage by the Volturi was almost worse than not knowing where she was at all. It felt like Jake's arm around my shoulders was the only thing holding me together. The reason why I was so greif stricken, was because I knew we HAD to go get Alice. And the Volturi would want us to pay a price in return. Most likely, they would either want half of us to join their guard, or they would kill us, because they want revenge for what happened when I was a baby. They don't like how much power we have, with the werewolves and all our gifts, they want to take us down, again.

When we got inside, Jake explained everything he saw. Alice was being tortured. And the Volturi wanted to lure us in for a surrender, or a fight. What my parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents knew for a long time would happen, was happening. They always knew that the Volturi wouldn't just leave us alone, they never stop when they want something.

"grandpa what are we going to do?," i asked Carlisle, who was always so calm and sure. my broken voice sounded unfarmiliar to me, and I looked in his eyes, for the first time ever, I saw hopelessness and defeat.

"we need to go save Alice. No matter what. It's that simple." he replied wihout emotion, as his eyes changed from hopeless, to emptliy focused. My mind raced for some way to save my family from the imminent destruction of our peace and happiness.

Then I had sort of a flashback, like my mind was telling me the answer. I was seeing through my own eyes, as a baby. I saw all the strange vampire people coming into our home. And I saw myself welcoming them one by one, and surprising them one by one, i giggled happily, oblivious to the circumstances. Then the vision switched to an open field. I was sitting on Jacob's back, all the vampires who were our friends were standing behind us, and across the clearing were the volturi, looking menacing and blood thirsty. I felt the power and protection from behind me, radiating off of all the people who had come to help defend me and my family. The flashback ended with Rosalie's face, looking lovingly at me. I had asked her by touching my hand to her cheek,"who are these people and why are they here?"

She replied,"they are friends and they are here to help and protect us" and the flashback faded out.

And then I knew what to do! The thought excited me, and filled me wih much needed hope."That's it!" I exclaimed out loud and everyones eyes snapped to my face

I spoke quickly and surely," last time we were threatened by the Volturi, we didn't face them alone. And we don't have to now. We can call everyone that helped us before, and ask them to stand by us again!"

All 16 eyes became enlightened. "Yes! That's exactly what we are going to do." Carlisle said excitedly. He turned to my dad and started speaking quickly, about plans.

Then Jasper came from out of nowhere, and pulled me into a tight, cold hug. I say cold because Im used to Jakes burning hot embraces. "thankyou Nessie." he said happily

"Jasper, your not the only one who wants her back. But your welcome." I said laughing and hugging him back.

He released me and walked over to Carlisle to listen to the plans. Jake Replaced him by taking my hand and squeezing it. He smiled down at me and pecked me on the cheek. Even though we haven't even begun dealing with the problems, that were to come, I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"ok we need to split up and collect everyone. Hopefully they will all agree to help us again." Carlisle said determined. "Im going to call the Denali coven and a few others, Esme call the Irish coven, Jasper get the American nomads since you are still good friends with Peter and Charlotte, Rosalie and Emmett get the Egyptian coven, Edward and Bella find the European nomads, and finally Renesme and Jacob fetch the Amazon coven." we all nodded

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