Post The Twilight Saga part 11

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Ok sorry for not uploading for a couple days. Been busy, but here it is, part 11, commence!!



I approached the Cullen house at breakneck speed, and skidded to a stop right in front of edward who was already waiting outside for me. He had a panicked look on his face. He obviously heard the urgent mind babbling I was having on my way here. I phased and quickly pulled my shorts on and then the rest of the cullens made it out side with expressions ranging from confusion to panic to sadness.

I began speaking to all of them. "Anne. It's been Anne all along. She kidnapped Alice."

Hisses escaped most of he vampire's mouths in anger.

I continued, "she took her to Italy, and now the Volturi have her.

She said,"if you want her, come get her," so I guess the volturi are trying to pick a fight with you guys, and Anne... Wants me."

I sai all this so quickly I had to suck in a gasp of air after. Renesme let out a furious growl/scream and attacked the nearest tree. She kicked a whole in it and then ripped it out of the ground. She threw it about 50 feet further into the forest and screamed again. I had never seen Renesme display such a fit of anger. She stomped beck to our group and stood next to her mother. Jasper was staring at her and I could tell he was using his powers on her because her face and posture relaxed.

"renesme are you alright?" I asked her cautiously

"No! I'm not alright! I already hated that hell hound and now I loath her with all the passion and hatred the devil could possibly dish out himself."

We all stared at her like she was crazy. I walked up to her and hugged her tight, not being able to stand seeing her being in so much pain. When I touched her my heart beat accelerated...

"Ness, it's alright, we'll figure it out. We'll gt Alice back, and Anne will NEVER have me." I told her

Her body relaxed against mine and she wrapped her arms around my waist, and started to cry.

After she was done having a waterworks fest all over my shirt, we went inside to discuss our next move to get Alice back.


I'm so sorry this was so short, but I gotta run. Hopefully I'll upload again tomarrow!! :) thanx for reading, please comment and vote. Until next time


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