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Saw the shrink again the other day

the sleeping problems wouldn't go away

he listened quietly to every word

though I don't really know how much he heard

of the pain between the lines

He offered meds which I refused

I had bottles full all unused

his opinions of what I dreamed

made some sense or so it seemed

it was important that I recognized the signs

Social life was at an all time low

lost all my get up and go

restaurant help and grocery checkers

reception and secretaries at the doctors

the extent of my communication defined

At the end my hour he asked how I felt

about how my problems had been dealt

with after the extensive oral release

did I experience any welcome new peace

I said yes, accumulated garbage now consigned

Back home I booted into cyberspace

and joined my friends in that digital place

even if they are faceless I wouldn't miss it

and they will fill my life 'til that next visit

when once again I will expel those demons undefined

Ruminating in the AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now